All posts by Mike Murray

Build a Better You

Self-growth is a lifelong process. Take a moment to reflect on the person you are today compared to who you were five years ago. How much have you grown? To construct a better you, it is imperative that you love yourself. This is the most

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Show Up

The feeling of inadequacy holds us back from showing up. By showing up, I also mean doing something, doing anything. Sometimes, these actions may be reactive. Typically, we think of taking actions as involving physical energy. As we were taught in physics, a load must move

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Shut Out The Noise

In 2011, cicadas invaded North Carolina. What made these flying insects’ emergence remarkable is how long their invasion is in the making. The mothers lay eggs in the branches of trees, where they develop for a few weeks before hatching and heading for the ground.

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Fill Your Own Cup First

I understand that we shouldn’t let the little things in life drive us crazy and stress us out, but the primary source of our stress isn’t that we sweat the small stuff; it’s about taking care of ourselves. The primary issue is that our society

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Trust The Process

At one time or another, everyone seems to be walking one way, in the same direction. Why? Because it is easy to get caught up in the crowd and go the wrong way. Often, you don’t even realize how dramatically off-course you are until something

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two colleagues celebrating a success with a high-five

A Step-by-Step Guide to Rediscovering Motivation After Setbacks

Life is riddled with challenges, and in today’s fast-paced world, everyone from young professionals to seasoned veterans faces setbacks that can derail dreams and aspirations. The weight of these stumbling blocks often leaves individuals feeling lost, questioning their competence, and struggling to find the spark

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The ROI of a Positive Work Environment

A positive work environment is more than just a luxury or an aspirational goal. It’s a critical business imperative that can determine a company’s long-term success. Imagine a workplace where employees are enthusiastic, motivated, and deeply engaged with their tasks. Where collaboration is the norm, not

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Businessman in formal attire holding a briefcase

The Canvas of Dreams: Where Ambitions Meet Reality in the Corporate World

In today’s hyper-competitive business landscape, countless individuals and organizations devise groundbreaking ideas fueled by passion and vision. Yet, only a fraction of these ambitious dreams ever materialize into palpable success. Why do some ideas soar to unparalleled heights while others fade into obscurity? Is it

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Thoughtful businessman reflecting at his workspace with an outside view.

7 Tips to Discover Hidden Opportunities in Everyday Challenges

Every day, life presents us with a myriad of challenges. They come in various shapes and sizes, from the tiny hiccups interrupting our daily routines to the more significant hurdles that make us question our path. While it’s easy to perceive these challenges as daunting

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Illustration emphasizing the role of creativity in business evolution

Innovate or Stagnate: Navigating Corporate Evolution

In an ever-evolving corporate world, innovation is no longer just a buzzword. It’s the lifeblood of enduring businesses that stand tall against the test of time and market dynamics. It’s about staying ahead, predicting market turns, and crafting solutions even before challenges rear their heads.


Reinventing Yourself: The Pivot Points that Change Careers

Every individual’s professional journey is dotted with defining moments that influence the direction and magnitude of their career. These significant instances, or ‘pivot moments,’ serve as crossroads where decisions made can lead to vastly different outcomes. They can either accelerate one’s trajectory toward unparalleled success

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Diverse group of professional women showcasing unity in leadership

Women and Corporate Leadership: Breaking the Glass Ceiling

Picture the modern corporate world: a pulsating hub of fresh ideas, groundbreaking innovations, and unstoppable momentum. It’s a world where every day is an opportunity, every challenge a stepping stone. But, like any exhilarating tale, there’s a twist. Alongside this breathtaking progress, an age-old shadow

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Three colleagues engaged in friendly conversation while walking

What Really Keeps Employees Motivated

In today’s complex corporate landscape, one factor rises above the rest when it comes to business success: employee motivation. It’s the magic elixir that drives productivity, fosters innovation, and keeps an organization’s wheels turning efficiently. But what really fuels this elusive trait? Is it money,

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Illustrated teamwork text surrounded by pens and pencils

The Comprehensive Guide to Building Resilient Teams

We’re setting sail on an illuminating journey to construct your ultimate vessel—a resilient team that not just survives, but thrives. Imagine your team as a ship sailing through turbulent waters. Will it capsize at the sight of the first tempest, or will it ride the

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Joyful staff acknowledging achievements

9 Simple Techniques for Motivating Employees

In the world of business management, the task of sustaining employee motivation is not just crucial; it’s often a moving target, ever-changing and challenging to pin down. While celebrity motivational speakers like Steve Gilliland dazzle audiences with charisma, they also offer tangible lessons that can be integrated into

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Team members analyzing business metrics for innovative solutions

Business Innovation: Trends and Strategies for Success

In a rapidly changing world, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage but a necessity for survival. With the world in flux—think geopolitics, tech upheavals, and a roller-coaster economy—you’ve got to innovate to stay in the game. To navigate these high stakes,

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Encouraging sign next to laptop, symbolizing confidence through challenges

From Defeat to Victory: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Transforming Setbacks into Success

If you’ve ever met a successful entrepreneur and thought, “Wow, how did they make it look so easy?”—pause for a second. You only see the polished highlight reel, the victories and milestones. What you don’t see are the sleepless nights, gut-wrenching failures, and heaps of

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Leader with joyful expression in a team meeting, emphasizing a culture of creativity

Igniting Change: How Thought Leaders Encourage Creativity and Break the Mold

In an age where businesses evolve at breakneck speed, stagnation is more than just an obstacle—it’s a fast track to irrelevance. Ironically, despite the rapid pace of change in markets, technology, and consumer behavior, a culture of “business as usual” still prevails in many organizations.

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Overwhelmed woman at work

Mindful Management: Achieving Work-Life Harmony in a Demanding Business Environment

The line between work and life can often blur in a fast-paced, ever-changing business landscape. The digital age has only exacerbated this issue, making it easier for work to infiltrate our personal time and vice versa. With the demands of the corporate world taking a toll

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Person Wearing a Wristwatch

Mastering Time Management: Maximizing Productivity and Achieving Your Goals

In this fast-paced world, mastering time management is essential for maximizing productivity and achieving our goals. By effectively managing our time, we can find balance, reduce stress, and make significant progress toward our aspirations.

Person Standing on Top of a Mountain

The Power of Resilience: Overcoming Challenges as We Grow

In the journey of personal growth, resilience plays a vital role in overcoming challenges and navigating through life’s ups and downs. The power of resilience, with its ability to help us bounce back and adapt, is a fundamental skill that propels us forward.

Colleagues enjoying a humorous motivational talk on a laptop, embodying motivation through laughter.

Inspiration Beyond Words: How Laughter and Motivation Combine for Unforgettable Events

In the quest for personal and professional development, we often find ourselves searching for a beacon. This guiding light can be found in the wisdom of the world’s best motivational speakers. These leaders don’t just discuss success; they embody it, sharing rich experiences of triumph

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People Sitting and Laughing

Fueling Entrepreneurial Creativity and Problem-Solving in Business and Beyond

In today’s rapidly changing and competitive business landscape, creativity and problem-solving have become crucial skills for success. This blog will give you helpful insights and strategies, whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a business owner, or simply trying to improve your problem-solving skills.

Stressed Person Putting Hands on His Face

Bouncing Back from Failure and Reaching New Heights

The ability to bounce back from failures is crucial in the quest for personal and professional growth. Although it can be discouraging, failure should not be our identity. Instead, it can be a springboard for recovering and scaling new heights.

Coworkers Sitting in a Business Meeting

Inspiring Teams to Innovate and Think Outside the Box

Organizations are now dependent on innovation to survive in today’s fast-paced, competitive business environment. Inspiring teams to unleash their creative and critical thinking is essential to stay ahead. More is needed to surpass the status quo; businesses need fresh perspectives and groundbreaking ideas.

Two Business Woman Standing Next to Each Other With Their Arms Crossed

Effective Leadership Strategies for Empowering Women in the Workplace

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, empowering women in the workplace is not just a matter of equality but also a key driver of success and innovation. Organizations increasingly concentrate on implementing successful leadership methods to promote women’s empowerment because they recognize the enormous potential and

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Coworkers Sitting and Laughing

10 Tips to Attain a Healthy Work-Life Balance and Why It’s Important for Entrepreneurs

Finding a healthy work-life balance can seem like an unreachable aim in the fast-paced entrepreneurial environment. However, long-term success depends on balancing work obligations and personal needs. In this blog, we will explore ten practical tips to attain a healthy work-life balance for entrepreneurs.

A card designed to motivate employees

Navigating Change: Lessons from a Motivational Speaker

In a world characterized by constant transformation, adaptability and flexibility have become indispensable qualities for success. Navigating change at work and staying focused amidst a shifting landscape are crucial for thriving in uncertainty.

An individual making a list of goals to achieve for the month

The Importance of Goal-Setting in Business

Professional goal-setting is a vital tool for your business’s success. Individuals and organizations can use this process to determine what they want to achieve and create a roadmap for how to get there. No goal is too big or small. You may list short- or long-term

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a team overcoming biases at work

Breaking Barriers: Lessons on Overcoming Biases in Business

Whether conscious or unconscious, biases often lead to hasty judgments and categorizations based on preconceived notions. However, it is vital to recognize that judging people at face value can be a grave mistake, as professional speakers concur that it deprives businesses of the chance to tap

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A motivational poster on a desk

From Ordinary to Extraordinary: How an Internal Reboot Can Help You Achieve Success

In our quest for success, we often seek external solutions, hoping they will magically transform our lives. Business motivational speakers like to ask: what if the key to achieving extraordinary success lies within us?

A CEO thinking about the science of success

The Science of Motivation: What Really Drives Success

If science is the understanding of how things work, then business speakers can understand and explain the science of success. Motivation is a crucial component in achieving success in any aspect of life, especially in the workplace, but it’s not that simple to create.

a manager encouraging a team member

How to Handle a Slacking Team Member

Managing a team can be a challenging task, and it becomes even more difficult when one of your team members is slacking off. As a manager, the best motivational speakers in the world say your best bet at succeeding is to encourage a team member if they

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happy employees working from home

Reigniting Passion When You Feel Burnt Out

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a rut with no motivation to keep going? It’s common to feel burnt out, especially when you’re working hard toward your goals. Inspirational speakers say there are ways to reignite your passion and get back on track.

A woman pursuing success

Thinking Like A Leader At Every Level

When you’re thinking like a leader, you’re promoting positive work practices and strong bonds within the company.

Charts showing increased revenue

How Can Your Business Model Capitalize On Human Capital?

A business model is a framework that outlines how a company creates, delivers, and captures value. It includes all aspects of the business, such as its products or services, target market, revenue streams, cost structure, and distribution channels. Check out this blog post detailing how these

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happy employee working from home

Signs You Need To Boost Morale And How To Do It

There’s no better place for a company to invest than its human capital. That’s why business motivational speakers have gained so much popularity for their ability to unite a workforce and boost morale. Check out this post about how even entry-level employees can add more value with

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Working From Home: Safety and Survival Guide

Working from home has become a norm for many people in recent years. While it offers benefits like flexibility and better work-life balance, it can be challenging to stay motivated and engaged.

A human hand reaching for a robot hand

Are You Worried That AI Will Replace You? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Be

With AI being welcomed into more and more workplaces, you might find yourself wondering: will AI replace you? There are arguments to suggest that certain jobs can be done more quickly by intelligent technology, which would be more cost-effective for businesses, rendering roles redundant.

team discussing healthy workplace habits

The Controversial Idea of Going Above and Beyond in the Workplace

The idea of being a dedicated employee has changed with time. For older generations, workplace habits consisted of doing whatever was necessary to get the job done and rise above adversaries, but younger generations have a much more casual approach. According to their philosophy, workplace habits are

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professional speaker Steve Gilliland addressing a crowd

What Does Your Leadership Style Say About You?

How do the best motivational speakers in the world capture the attention of thousands and drive them to do better by themselves and their organizations? Every leader would like to think of themselves as a role model to their team, but the pressure and expectations that

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How to Have a Winning First Day at a New Job

challenges that can set the tone for the rest of your journey at a workplace. Sure, the idea of settling in with new people might be intimidating, but according to famous motivational speakers, when you know that your skills, talent, and tenacity have earned you

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an employee respectfully conversing with their boss

Communicating Effectively in the Workplace

It’s no surprise that many people find it challenging to effectively communicate with their bosses. After all, there are a lot of times supervisors and employees don’t see eye-to-eye or their communication styles mismatch. In some cases, the two just don’t get along at all.

a work environment free of politics

Workplace Politics: Here’s How to Efficiently Avoid It

Let’s be honest: no one really likes office politics. It is extremely exhausting and can land everyone involved in hot water. It’s why management often tries to nip it in the bud.

Building Autonomy in the Workplace: The Boss’s Toolkit

Did you know that around 70 percent of all employees feel disengaged in corporate spaces? This means that a majority of the U.S. workforce feels uninvested in the job they perform every single day.

A cup with 'world's best boss' written on top

The Beginner’s Guide To Respectful Communication With Your Boss

Being able to communicate with your boss in a respectful, professional, polite manner is an essential skill that employees should have regardless of their place of work. Communicating with high-level management is a huge challenge when it comes to internal communication in organizations.

a manager of a company smiling and talking to an employee

How Do Different Management Styles Stack Up in the Profit Margins?

Management can either make or break a company. After all, it plays a major role in organically optimizing productivity to motivate and mobilize employees. So, we can safely say that good managers also have a hand in a company’s success.

a successful management and team meeting

How to Be Tough and Supportive as a Manager

As the corporate world is continuously changing and transforming, it has become harder for managers to develop their leadership styles. Numerous studies have also revealed that leadership development is one of the key issues impacting modern workplaces. After all, it can cause friction between supervisors and

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Employees in a workplace

Identifying And Promoting The Elements Of Ambition In Your Workers

Even though ambition is a common word used in the professional setting, it can have multiple meanings. For a workplace to succeed, employees need to be ambitious, motivated, and inspired. On average, over 4 million people per month left their jobs in 2022 (dubbed The Great

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Employees talking to each other at the workplace

Maintaining Boundaries While Being A Supportive Coworker

Do you ever feel like it’s a challenge to stay professional and objective while being supportive of your colleagues? We all know how crucial it is to set boundaries in the workplace, especially when working with others who may be going through tough times or

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A handshake over a desk

How Entry-Level Employees Can Stay Positive

Entry-level employees often face several challenges as they begin their careers. A lack of experience can lead to confusion about how to navigate the professional world. This can create the feeling that they lack guidance and recognition.

A man holding a microphone

Healthy Ways To Give Team Members Negative Feedback

When it comes to giving negative feedback, knowing how to do it effectively yet respectfully can make all the difference. You want your team members to feel respected and valued, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay to skirt around any criticism when something needs improvement.

Women in a relaxed work environment

The Benefits Of A Laissez-Faire Working Environment

If you’ve never heard of the term laissez-faire, you probably don’t know that it’s a leadership style. It’s usually applied to economics and politics but is also a common leadership style in professional settings. Employers working under laissez-faire leaders are usually making their own decisions

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a happy employee in a workplace

How Positive Work Environments Can Create Hard Workers

Building a positive work environment doesn’t just help the company; it also creates hard workers. All businesses need hard workers because any employee can master your company’s systems, learn the processes, and do their job adequately, but not everyone will put in the hard work

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Three coworkers giving a thumbs-up

One-Size-Fits-All (and Other Lies About a Positive Mindset)

The internet is awash with easy tricks to develop a healthy, positive mindset. While the intention is good, to be a strong, motivated person, you can do better than hacks. Some of the best motivational speakers in the world touch audiences because they understand that the first

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A woman engaging in her work

Affirmations, Diary Entries, And The Power Of Self-Love

People are filled with kindness, power, and love, but as we go through life, we encounter obstacles and challenges that can fill us with doubt. This doubt can stifle our personal growth and create limitations on the vision we see for ourselves.

Construction workers ready for a challenge

So No One Told You Life Was Gonna Be This Way — Realism In Positivity

A positive outlook and a realistic one aren’t mutually exclusive. There’s power in accepting that life’s little challenges are difficult, and true positivity stems from realizing that that’s okay. The more you embrace risks and leave behind your negative associations with failure, the wiser you’ll

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How to Gain Perspective and Set Priorities in Life

Work, relationships, family, health, friendships, and more. Don’t sacrifice any of these things, even if it feels impossible to have them all at once. All you need is a little perspective, an honest set of priorities, and some insight into your inner magic, and you’ll

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team members having a meeting

Conflict Resolution at Work: Rules, Steps, and Skills You Need to Know

Conflicts are a part of our daily lives. People encounter them every day in their relationships with friends, family, and coworkers. Conflict in the workplace results in a great deal of annoyance, hardship, discomfort, anger, and regret.

A woman smiling at her reflection

Struggling with Self-Discipline? Do These 4 Tasks to Lead a Self-Disciplined Life

Steve Gilliland has the best news. You’re far more disciplined than you believe. So, if you’re thinking you need to start wising up and doing more, don’t fret. When you’re steering the wheel of change with one of the best motivational speakers in the world on your

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Man showing team members how to execute a task

How Good Leaders Build More Leaders Than Followers

Great leaders bear much accountability and are always ready to step in when a crisis hits. But why settle for great when you could be a legend? The leaders that are spoken of fondly and inspire many to go beyond are the ones who create

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a woman standing in front of her peers

Leadership Development: Everything You Should Know About Creating Leaders in The Modern Workplace

About 50 billion dollars is spent on leadership development (LD) annually. You can spend huge sums on sending individuals to seminars and workshops—but does that improve their performance in their job? Sadly, most of these leadership sessions fail and rarely produce positive outcomes. Results from past programs

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A woman bored at work

8 Surefire Ways to Combat Boredom at Work

Be honest. There are days when work feels like a chore. Sometimes you sit in front of your computer screen and just stare off into the distance without having a single creative thought. You’re preoccupied, agitated, and simply bored.

A woman painting in her room

How to Make Tough Decisions as a Boss

Leadership requires a lot of mental and emotional energy. You’ll be the point person for practically all the difficult decisions your company makes. You are the one who decides what happens next as you’ll be dealing with the consequences.

men shaking hands

5 Reasons to Listen to a Motivational Speaker

Motivational speakers can inspire everyone to maintain a positive outlook on life with engaging perspectives. Their captivating speeches make you deeply think about your life. You’re able to draw inspiration from their stories and improve to live a happier life.

A speaker giving a presentation to an audience

3 Areas of Improvement To Be A Good Manager

Top managers stand out from the competition by bringing a leader’s presence and high spirits to the team. Becoming a manager will be much less stressful if you understand how to demonstrate strong leadership. Employees prefer leaders as opposed to bosses.

A woman working in an office

“Help, I’m Lost!” 5 Ways You Can Find Your Passion

How often have you heard someone telling you to follow your passion? How frequently have people asked you about your passions? Sadly, a Deloitte study revealed that only 13% of U.S. workers are passionate about their profession. After working in the corporate world, you may feel

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A motivational speaker hosting a conference

3 Ways Motivational Speakers Change How We Go About Our Lives

A motivational speaker captivates the room and ignites a spark that’s been missing from our lives. Companies and everyday people have benefited from inspirational speaking, but how? Let’s find out in this blog.

A women micromanaging a woman working in front of a computer

5 Ways Micromanaging Could Be Hurting Your Employees

Typically, a business owner or manager wishes the best for their organization, and part of that entails ensuring their staff members give it their all. However, there’s a fine line between supporting or motivating and micromanaging employees.


What Is The Real Purpose Of A Keynote Speech?

A keynote speech addresses any public gathering, as we all know. It conveys the theme or purpose of the event. In this sense, a keynote speech matters the most. It’s the highlight of an event, but its purpose may differ for different people.

A family going through tough times

How To Make Peace With Familial Stressful Situations

Juggling between work and personal life can be hard. Sometimes, there are workplace conflicts. Other times, you’re going through family-related stress. Both can impact your health and, eventually, your ability to work.

Conflict resolution meeting

Experiencing Workplace Issues? Here Are Some Keys To Resolving Conflicts

It’s no surprise that organizations face conflicts. Workplace conflicts, however, can cause work stress and frustration and affect the workers’ productivity. Workplace conflict can be normal, but you can manage it through conflict resolution tactics.

4 Steps To Identify A Quality Motivational Speaker For Your Next Business Conference

What makes a motivational speaker “motivational”? There isn’t one thing. A quality motivational speaker can be someone who inspires people. They can also help every person in the audience to visualize their messages using their creativity. A motivational speaker can also be someone who creates enthusiasm.

People sitting on a work desk

Leadership Development Training: Your Organization’s Growth Reinforcement

One of the ways managers and supervisors can improve their skills and capabilities is through leadership development training. A leader isn’t someone who creates followers. It’s someone who can create more leaders.

Steve Gilliland speaking at a conference

Spice Up Your Next Conference By Hiring A Professional Keynote Speaker

A keynote speaker is a valuable addition to any conference. Whether you’re hosting a banquet, workshop, or corporate event, a skilled professional speaker will be able to liven up the place. A keynote motivational speaker will be able to develop and integrate several themes and ideas into a cohesive

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A man speaking to the audience

3 Reasons Clean Comedy Is on the Rise

People have distinct tastes for the many types of humor they hear and see, just like how some prefer gory tv shows while others prefer rom-coms. Some people enjoy motivational speakers who use provocative, controversial comedy that encourages them to laugh. Others choose inspirational speakers who stick to

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Man holding his head with his hands

Facing Failure? Follow These Tips To Overcome Them

No matter what you aim to achieve in your life, failure can get in the way. From being unable to pass exams to lacking progress in your career, failure can manifest in multiple ways. However, there is a set of guidelines you can follow to

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Success written with chalk on a blackboard

Doing It On Your Own: Defining Success for Yourself

Most people aspire to be successful in their lives, but achieving it may often feel overwhelming. You may have heard people express their desires to be successful, but have you asked them what they meant when they said it? Perhaps they aren’t aware of what

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A woman standing and smiling

What Makes A Good Leader?

When you think of a leader, what qualities pop up in your head? According to research, the most crucial leadership traits are confidence, versatility, intellect, and conscientiousness. Leaders who bring about change are inspirational, motivating, and uplifting other people whenever needed. They respect their followers

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4 Ways Powerful Motivational Speakers Can Drive Profitability For Your Company

What is necessary to promote profitability? Greater pay? Access to excellent products? Incentive schemes? These factors don’t frequently contribute significantly to an increase in sales or revenue for a business.

A speaker delivering a keynote to his audience

How Keynote Speakers Are Changing for Today’s Audiences

No matter how many Ted Talks you see, virtual presenters you may encounter, or even holographic speeches you might hear, they don’t come close to an in-person presenter. The charm, the wit, and the special ability to move us are presented in a neatly packed

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Man stressed about work

How To Stay Motivated When You’re Just Not Feeling It

When you’re demotivated, life can seem pretty slow, almost to an unhealthy degree. You may feel as if you aren’t progressing toward your objectives. Being motivated to develop and achieve objectives can be particularly tough throughout these periods.

A light bulb with ideas

3 Ideas You Can Steal From Famous Motivational Speakers

Have you got an exciting new job but can’t manage your workload effectively? Want to start a business but lack the motivation and dedication to do so? No matter which part of life you’re in and what you’re deciding to do, motivation is key to

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Man speaking to an audience

What Can You Learn From Inspirational Speakers?

Inspiration is a key component in every individual’s life since it can assist you in overcoming hurdles, succeeding in your career, or accomplishing your entrepreneurial objectives. This is because inspiration drives a person to do whatever it takes to reach a specific goal. As people, we

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A woman working on her laptop

Top 3 Ways To Improve Employee Efficiency

Businesses are constantly examining the most successful strategy to expand their staff as the globe changes how people operate. Recent research on remote jobs suggests that productivity increases by 47% when individuals work from home. This has a direct correlation with efficiency. The more productive an employee

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A woman with her feet on top of the desk

Lazy Employees: 3 Steps On How To Handle Them

What company doesn’t want a strong workforce made up of good people who help each other to achieve a common objective? Each employee’s participation is critical in this situation. To have a successful working environment, each employee must give it their all. Time is of

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Woman stressed at work

4 Reasons Employees Don’t Confide in Their Managers

Do you have faith in your staff? Does your staff have faith in you? If the answer is yes, kudos for being able to say that you and your coworkers are trustworthy. Your business is on the right track to success. If you’re not sure,

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Manager conversing with employees

3 Things Your Employees Want You to Know

A fully engaged team is your company’s most valuable asset. Boosting a team’s engagement means finding out what matters the most to your staff. Individuals invest considerable time and energy into at work, so it’s only fair that they want it to be as enjoyable as

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Employees laughing during a session

Should Humor Be a Part of Employee Training Sessions?

Using comedy in your training sessions can accomplish a lot more than just a few laughs. Laughter can aid learning by assisting your audience in focusing on and remembering the information presented. Humor has also been shown to reduce anxiety, increase involvement, and motivate people.

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A senior manager working in an office

4 Tactics for Improved Employee-Manager Communication

A healthy and successful organization has several secrets and tricks up its sleeve. But, one of the most important factors behind its years of excellence is effective and strong communication between the employees and managers. In fact, one of the main reasons a lot of

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Happy employees working together

The Benefits of Cultivating a Friendly Work Environment

Many companies prefer having a high-pressure, hard-hitting, and rigid culture to scale their business. What they don’t realize is that it creates stress, turnover, disengagement, and many other problems that cost the overall organization.

A woman holding a bulb illustrating new creative ideas

5 Easy Ways to Induce Creativity in Your Company

While you can’t force creativity, you can create an environment that induces creativity in your company. It is an integral element for growth and innovation that fosters organizational agility.

A man standing with open arms

Simple Ways You Can Find the Beauty in Everything

Life is a never-ending cycle of patterns and routines. We act them out every day, and they make up the bulk of our lives. Most of us follow a socially accepted template while dreaming of ways to escape this mundane life. They are often considered

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Two women discussing work

Smart Work vs. Hard Work: Which Is Better?

Have you ever given your 100% to a task and didn’t get the results you expected? You’re not alone. We tend to associate effort with success and skip on a critical concept in the equation—i.e., knowledge. Here’s everything you need to know about smart work

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A person holding a sign that says ‘grateful’

How to Express Gratitude When Things Get Tough

How great would life be if there were no obstacles on the road to success? While some might think of this as their ideal, others understand the importance of setbacks in life. Age-old wisdom tells us that when the going gets tough, the tough get

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the term 'Goals' typed on paper

The Ultimate Millennial Life Goals

Goal setting has always been and still remains the main step in finding true passion and unparalleled success. These goals act like guideposts that help us stay on track amid all the obstacles that come our way. Millennials and Gen Z, in particular, are known

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A metamorphic process

How to Change Your Life Completely in 4 Powerful Steps

Change is constant and inevitable; it’s one thing that can affect every aspect of your life. Perhaps this is one of the reasons we fear it so much. However, if you want to transform your life for the better, be ready to take action.

A man holding a guitar

The Secret to Finding Your Passion

Do you ever feel like something’s missing in life? Something to love or something you want to thrive for? Age-old wisdom tells us the importance of following your passion. However, if you’re unsure about your passion, this can be challenging to do.

Essential Rules for Professional Success

Let’s face it – you’ve spent many sleepless nights to get where you are in your career. From doing your best to ace exams to spending hours networking, building contacts, improving your profile, and so much more, you’ve passed many hurdles to deserve the position

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Strategies to Make Your Next Corporate Event a Hit

If you want to build a lasting relationship with your employees or clients, the key tip is to organize successful professional events. In today’s increasingly digitized world, corporate events help people relate in a personal manner and build genuine connections. This is why hosting corporate

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Handling Unforeseen Challenges like a Pro

What’s the difference between a good employee and a great employee? The latter always knows how to cope with unforeseen circumstances. While some may crack under pressure, others learn to thrive and derive new ways to deal with adversity. The good news is that dealing

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How to Enjoy Work Even If You Don’t Love Your Job

We spend a lot of our day at work, so it’s important that we enjoy what we do. However, many people dislike their jobs, or their current roles don’t satisfy their expectations. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get tangled in the corporate rat

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inspiration-humor- work-space

The Role of Distraction and Humor in Stress Reduction

Stress is a psychological reaction that occurs due to the varying demands of life. A small amount of stress can act as a motivating force, pushing you to perform. However, multiple challenges in the workplace and your personal life can extend beyond your coping abilities.

inspiration work-space

Top Corporate Event Ideas to Motivate Employees

No matter how great your business ideas or products are, your employees help keep the revenue running. They are the company’s lifeblood, which is why it’s important to cater to their needs and ensure a welcoming and motivating working environment.


Understanding the Importance of Workplace Culture

Workplace culture combines the ideals, values, goals, and attitudes that characterize your organization. This is a set of crucial intangibles that have the power to dictate how your employees operate and determine the success of your business. The workplace culture you maintain becomes a part of

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Dealing with Inevitable Change in the Workplace

Let’s face it: as employees, managers, or even business leaders, we all fear change. It can be scary, overwhelming, and even daunting at times. One of the main reasons why is because it removes you from your comfort zone, one that seems too good to

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How to Keep Your Audience Engaged With Virtual Presentations

Employee engagement is an important indicator when gauging workplace satisfaction. Modern employees want to be enthusiastic about the company they’re working for, involved in the work, and have a sense of belonging. As a leader, ensuring that employee expectations are met is vital. However, in

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Moving On After Failure: A Guide

Let’s face it, accepting failure is just like any other skill. It requires clarity, practice, and, most of all, motivation. We all face failure at some point in time. From work-related issues to our personal lives, setbacks are inevitable. When you experience a major failure,

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Three employees working together

3 Ways to Make a Difference in the Workplace

The way in which organizations work is drastically changing, and it can get challenging to keep up. Change is inevitable and widespread; employees are tasked with a high workload while having low control over the environment. This can result in frequent burnout, stress, and a

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inspiration work-space

How Employee Motivation Increases Employee Retention

Employee retention is a challenge that every organization faces. The main reason behind this is that keeping employees motivated is turning into a challenging job. The right retention strategy sometimes seems impossible to achieve, and even seasoned managers find it difficult to keep top talent.


Why Use Humor as a Motivational Tool in the Workplace?

Humor is one of the most powerful tools in both professional and non-professional settings. It brings people together, helps relieve stress, and simply makes you feel good. Some professional public speakers use humor as a motivation tool to drive listeners toward success. Here are some

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How to Make Time for Personal Development

Everyone strives to be a better version of themselves. But, let’s face it—with a family, a full-time job, and other side hustles, it’s challenging to find the time to work on your personal development. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get consumed by the growing

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Everything You Need to Know About the Destination Disease

Many of us suffer from something called the “destination disease.” One of the most common symptoms of this disease is believing that happiness is linked to achieving goals. This disease focuses on the “bigger is better” mantra and compels people to believe that the more you

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How to Tap into the Power of Positivity

A positive attitude isn’t just about smiling every time; it’s much more than that. It’s about the ability to maintain an optimistic mindset even when things don’t go your way. When you begin thinking optimistically, your mind eliminates negative thoughts helping you see the world

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Resilience in the Workplace: How to Help Employees

Let’s face it; life doesn’t always go as planned. You’ll come across various hurdles and obstacles along the way. If there’s one thing that can help you overcome these challenges, it’s resilience! It helps you bounce right up, higher than before. Resilient people always focus

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inspiration work-space

Importance of Time Management in the Workplace

Let’s face it. From childhood, our parents, teachers, and mentors have been advising us to spend time wisely. This is particularly important when you step foot in a professional line. Although it can be challenging to take control of every minute of your day, time management

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Looking to Spark a Change? Listen to Inspirational Speakers

Inspirational speakers are people who have experienced success and want to share their knowledge with the world. Whether they’re motivational, business, or personal growth speakers, all of these presenters will inspire you to seek success in your life. Successful people know that it takes hard work and dedication

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The Importance of Achieving Work-Life Balance

Many people believe they need to work long hours to be successful. The idea of working 9-5 every day is practically ingrained into the American psyche. While this may seem like the only way to achieve success, working hard does not necessarily translate into working smart. Many

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Four Things You Should Look for in a Motivational Keynote Speaker

Have you ever wondered what makes a motivational keynote speech so effective? When it comes to motivating the masses, speakers must be capable of inspiring and encouraging others. Hiring a motivational speaker is not just about booking someone who can talk on stage. It’s also about finding

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Enhance Performance and Learning with Steve Gilliland’s Motivation Bites

Steve Gilliland’s Motivation Bites are designed to help you achieve your goals by becoming more productive, focused, and successful at work.


Two Types of Motivation That Can Inspire You to Do Anything

You have to keep yourself motivated to be successful. At first glance, it would seem that some people are born with a fire in their belly and the ability to do as they please without paying attention to anything else around them. However, this isn’t true

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The Importance of Employee Engagement at the Workplace

It’s no secret that employee engagement is a huge issue in any industry. As of today, there are companies and organizations across the world who recognize how important it is to have an engaged workforce—and they’re doing their best to make this happen. Engaged employees are

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Calmness and mental peace

5 Ways to Re-center Yourself after a Disruption

Workplace productivity can get affected by any incident in your life. Corporate employees can often go off-track and struggle to regain composure. By practicing mindfulness, you can stay centered and beat every work-related challenge. Self-awareness can be the most helpful tool for individuals struggling with personal

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How To Maintain A Positive Attitude When Working In a Team

There are many misconceptions about what it means to have a good attitude. For example, some people might assume that it involves just smiling or thinking joyful thoughts. But that’s not all. Maintaining a positive attitude is more than just a superficial expression of happiness.

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Leadership qualities

Empathy: The Best Leadership Trait

Experienced corporate managers recognize the difference between management and leading. A leader isn’t focused solely on productivity and prioritizes the growth of his or her employees and the organization. Unfortunately, conventional management often reduces corporate employees to mere commodities and leaves them unsatisfied with work.

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Appreciation: The Fuel for Efficiency

Boosting the productivity of a workforce can cost a company a lot of money without any guaranteed return. Companies exhaust their training and development budget, arrange workshops, and hire motivational speakers, but forget to use the most important tool to improve efficiency: appreciation. Appreciation is

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Personal Motivation Tricks to Increase Efficiency

Intrinsic motivation is an essential tool needed to get ahead in any aspect of life. With the help of motivation, any challenge or obstruction becomes easier to overcome. Finding the right source for motivation can make all the difference in one’s career journey. When you

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Why Motivational Speaker Sessions Should Be Held More Often At Workplaces!

There are several ways you can get your employees fired up for the New Year, whether by hiring a motivational speaker or by changing the culture of the firm. If you’ve ever heard of a motivational speaker, you’ll know that they aren’t just there to pump

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Motivation in the Workplace - An Infographic - Feat

Motivation in the Workplace – An Infographic

Here’s an infographic about motivation in the workplace:

A microphone in focus

Motivational Speakers: Training Beyond the Office Environment

Training is an essential part of employee growth and development. And while proper training can put an employee on the path to success, there are many ways all your training efforts can go to waste.

Motivational Speaker

Making Use of Humorous Motivational Speakers by Companies for Self-Improvement

Whether you’re driving change, chasing new company goals, trying to maintain your employee’s performance levels, one thing you should consider bringing to the mix is hiring motivational speakers.

Why Inspiration Is So Important - An Infographic - Feat

Why Inspiration Is So Important – An Infographic

Here’s an infographic on why inspiration is so important.

How Humor Affects the Mental Health of Employees?

Have you ever wondered why people say “laughter is the best medicine”? Surveys and studies show how humor and laughter play a massive role in a happier and healthier work environment. Read on to learn some ways humor influences workers’ mental health.

Time is of the Essence: What Does it Mean for Businesses?

A successful business depends on a wide range of resources. One of the many reasons why businesses fail is that business owners don’t identify the significance of time as a resource. Read on to learn why time is an essential part of running a business.

Permit Yourself To Say No

“’NO’ is a complete sentence. It does not require an explanation to follow. You can truly answer someone’s request with a simple No.”   – Sharon E. Rainey, author Stop Saying “No” To Yourself One of the saddest things is a child who grows up being

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Things You Can Do in Your Daily Life to Improve Your Personal Development

Learning is a lifelong process that helps us achieve our goals and fulfill our needs. Personal development is a part of that learning; it helps us understand and define our life goals and personal vision.

A corporate conference

7 Reasons to Book a Motivational Speaker for Your Corporate Event

Corporate events can play an essential role in employee engagement and entertainment at a company. Companies with frequent corporate events with inspirational and motivational speakers see a direct impact on their employees’ morale. Here are seven reasons why hiring a motivational speaker can positively impact your employees.

The Value of Nothing

“Everything comes at a price – everything in your life. The question is, you have to ask yourself, what is the price you are willing to pay?”  – Paullina Simons, author Chemistry expert Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., holds a doctorate in Biomedical Sciences and an

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Soft Skills That You Need To Be Successful – An Infographic

Here’s an infographic on soft skills that you need to be successful:

An office

Importance of Humor at a Workplace

Human beings are wired to be optimally productive when relaxed. When working in a corporate setting, the pressure from deadlines is bound to create a certain level of tension. Employees feel stressed and motivated when they feel too restricted to laugh. Humor is the most

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It’s Time To Get Unstuck

“I knew a girl so gloomy She’d never laugh or sing She wouldn’t listen to me Now she’s a mean old thing.”  – “Put on a Happy Face” (Bye Bye Birdie) All the way back in 1963, it was Dick Van Dyke (still acting and

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Dare To Be Yourself

When I was a young child, a woman lived in our peaceful, somewhat traditional town who decided to change her hair color. She and her husband owned a small variety store. They had two children who never got into trouble, did well in school, and

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a group of employees

Scientifically Proven Ways to Motivate Employees

Employees are one of the most important assets of an organization. You depend on them to accomplish complex tasks and put in their time and effort to help your business grow.

Precious Moments

“There are sanctuaries holding honey and salt. There are those who spill and spend. There are those who search and save.”   – Carl Sandburg, excerpt, “Honey and Salt” ___________________________________________________________________________ How are the moments of your precious life? Each one is beautiful, you know. And, while some are admittedly better than others,

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Starve Your Distractions

It was a funny scene at my local health club yesterday. Two acquaintances got on adjoining treadmills, programmed the machines, but then started talking. One of the women pulled out the ubiquitous cell phone and scrolled through pictures. I couldn’t quite tell from a distance,

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Understanding the Destination Disease

Imagine this: You’re planning a trip to your dream destination. You begin ticket-booking months in advance, find some of the most visited hotels and make a list of the attractions you want to visit. You constantly revise the itinerary and work day and night to

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3 Ways to Boost Your Resilience

Life is a rollercoaster ride with several ups and downs. However, it’s resilience that helps you deal with problematic situations and bounce back up even higher. Resilient people tend to have a more positive outlook on life and can deal with stress more effectively. Here

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A Positive Influence On Someone’s Life

“Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another.”   – George Eliot I went for a walk this summer’s morning before the heat and humidity of the day. I am grateful for summer and the magnificent flowers, but this morning I admit

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Setting Personal Goals in Life

Goals act like stepping-stones to a more fulfilling life. Setting personal goals isn’t a magic recipe to making all your dreams a reality; they require strong commitment and quick action. But, once set and followed, these goals give meaning to your life and transform it

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The Joy of Accomplishment

In April 2020, Psychologist Dr. Rachel Goldman writing on the benefits of laughter said: “Laughter connects us with others. Just as with smiling and kindness, most people find that laughter is contagious. So, if you bring more laughter into your life, you can most likely help

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9 Key Traits of Mentally Strong People

When life knocks you down, do you pick yourself up quickly and adapt to the changing times or doubt your abilities to overcome the challenges? If you do the latter, this blog is for you. We often think of mentally strong people as heroes having

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Key Traits of Resilient People That Help Them to Accomplish Their Goals

Resilience is a key underlying character trait of most successful people. The trait determines whether or not someone might be able to rise above challenges and difficult situations in their life and achieve their goals. Highly resilient people are able to focus and adapt to

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To Get Unstuck, Change The Formula

The most common refrain I’ve heard as of late might be: “Steve, I’m tired of being stuck at home watching video-conference faces in little boxes. As soon as this lockdown business is over, I’m going to travel as I’ve never done before.” We would all

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Top Tips for Choosing the Best Speaker for Your Conference in 2021

Virtual conferences are becoming the new norm as the world is still recovering from the havoc that the pandemic wreaked on major economies. With millions of people working from home to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, businesses have little choice but to adapt

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Happiness Is Not Out There; It’s In You

“Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions.” This quote encapsulates my view of happiness. We have become a nation of unhappy people because so many of us have lost the skill of self-control. I

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A Journey Without An End

“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”  — Shania Twain Of all the treasures we have in this life, there is none more precious than friendship. “But what about

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Build a Successful Mindset to Boost Your Career in 3 Easy Steps

When it comes to being successful at work, having the right mindset is vital. Many people feel like they have been stuck in the same job or position for years and are unable to take their career to the next level. Studies show that it’s our

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The Comeback Will Be Stronger Than The Setback

We have come through a rough period. Whether you have had a setback in your business or personal life, 2020 could be a year of the drop to your knees; take the breath out of your misery. Madeline Ngo, writing for Bloomberg News, pulled together

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The Right People Will Love You

What can I tell you? I like people. In fact, my wife has told me, you have an open and sensitive heart for people. I believe that people are basically good and even the complaining ones, can be brought out of their negative shells, with

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3 Ways Companies Can Support Their Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The ongoing global health crisis has forced millions of employees across the United States to work remotely. Although this has definitely helped in curbing the spread of the virus and consequently saving thousands of lives, it has also had a significant impact on the well-being

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Time Management is Life Management

How do the experts define time management? There is no end to time management experts, consultants, authors, bloggers, and complete time management businesses. But what is time management? If we go to Wikipedia, we can come up with a simple enough definition for our general

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young woman feeling frustrated

Is Job Burnout Inevitable?

If you’ve been working the same job for a number of weeks or months, non-stop, it’s difficult to avoid feelings of intense exhaustion. Feeling exhausted and craving a break is natural, but if you continue to work at your physical and mental limits without slowing

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Hold On Pain Ends

The inspiration for this post came about over two days with two conversations from very different sources. However, the topic was the same: The Navy Seals. The “Seals,” as you know, are the elite fighting force. I could not imagine myself enduring the training. When

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A group of people sits at a table, sharing conversation and exchanging ideas.

Is It Important to Blend in Or Stand Out?

We’re constantly fed conflicting information about how we should or shouldn’t be, how we should behave around other people, and what the secret to success is. Truth be told, it’s not a simple list of activities and decisions that will guarantee you a spot at

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Searching For Wisdom

There is a pretentiousness that sometimes follows our digital world around like a puppy dog. In fact, many folks won’t hesitate to tell us we no longer need libraries, books, research librarians, or most publishers for that matter. They are convinced the internet is the

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People have a virtual meeting for work, discussing plans and projects.

4 Lessons to Take Away from 2020

2020 was a year that was full of ups, downs, and tons of surprises, and now that it’s finally over, everyone is looking to take a breather—still with our masks on, of course. Although COVID-19 is still a threat, it’s next to impossible to not

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You Become What You Believe

Might as well admit to you, my closest friends: I never played professional football or baseball, and I never participated in the Olympics. I was never asked to endorse running shoes or exercise equipment either; however, I do love old sports movies. In fact, I

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Worth Taking The Risk

The phrase “No Risk, No Reward” means many different things to many other people, but for me, it talks about the ties that bind us, strengthen us, and nurture us, especially in these days of uncertainty. As we enter the New Year, let us not

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Lift Up Someone Else

Sometimes, when I see a quote that I have loved, it is much like a visit from an old friend who stops by only briefly and yet warms your heart. As with most beloved quotes, my friend came at a most opportune time.   The

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two employees laughing

Is Humor The Key To Workplace Success?

The year 2020 will go down as one of the most challenging in history. The pandemic and its subsequent effects have made life much bleaker than any of us would have liked. With high unemployment rates and mental health issues faced by employees due to

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a sad woman looking out the window

Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Self-Pity

2020 may be coming to an end, but we’re still scrambling to maintain some semblance of normalcy as the pandemic rages on. In addition to derailing our lifestyle, the pandemic has also significantly impacted our mental health.

The Common Ground Called Respect

Some blame politics, others blame social media, bad parenting, or reality TV, but we are currently experiencing a “respect problem.” Respect seems to have gone the way of the Edsel or the Compaq computer. The lack of respect has gotten so bad that many Americans

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We Need Each Other

In these times of turmoil, politics, and pandemic, we all seek connection. It is ironic that due to quarantines, partial lock-downs, and even the inability to hug family members, our relationships are going through times of challenge unprecedented in our lifetimes. Positive psychology expert Jaime

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This holiday season, words like discouraged, doubtful, and uncertain have replaced convinced, confident, and faith. Now, more than ever, we need to believe. For many of us, this year has challenged our confidence and left us disoriented and startled. Yet, with the whole world of

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a woman working in isolation

Looking After Your Mental Well-Being During the Ebb and Flow of Lockdowns

The coronavirus has affected the mental well-being of many around the globe. Not only does the constant fear and anxiety about contracting the virus wear us down, but we also experience isolation and loneliness on account of being separated from our loved ones during this tumultuous

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an employee returning to work

Addressing Everyday Management Challenges in a Post-Covid-19 World

When the coronavirus hit the United States, organizations and businesses across the country struggled to figure out ways to run their business operations as usual without risking their employees’ health and safety.

A Life of Purpose

Have you ever just stopped yourself in your tracks, “hit” your forehead, and thought, “I haven’t heard from ‘so-and-so’ in ages. I need to call them!” A couple of years ago, it happened to me, and I went home and called Rich, Don, and Mike.

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Our Highest Priority

How do we prioritize our lives? What is important to us as Americans? What might make us happier? The questions are huge, but the answers may lie somewhere between the lines and not directly found in polls, studies, or investigations. Let’s explore these issues together.

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Improving Employee Morale During COVID-19

65% of employers find it hard to maintain employee morale. Remote working policies have had a significant impact on employees, leaving them less motivated and productive.

See the Good Side of Everything

What did our grandparents do when times got tough? What did they do for fun and how did they avoid feeling negative? They found a positive side to everything. There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy and plenty of ways to make yourself

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It’s important to focus on building a fulfilling, respectful relationship where you guide and assist employees as they learn.

4 Ways Managers Can Support Employee’s Mental Health

If there’s one takeaway from 2020, it’s this: the need to focus on mental health in the workplace is more urgent than ever before. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the exhaustion and frustration of having our professional and personal lives reoriented, and the looming threat

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Coworkers listening to keynote speech during pandemic

How Virtual Keynote Speakers Are Helping Audiences Overcome Fear and Uncertainty

Keynote speakers are intellectual entertainers who have, historically, relied on live audiences. Corporations and businesses seek out these professionals to shape and mold minds, and to help build team unity and motivation. These individuals have oratory skills that can ignite transformation and innovation.

The Best Part of Waking Up

Do you remember the advertising slogan “The Best Part of Wakin’ Up Is Folgers in Your Cup®?” This catchphrase went on to become one of the most recognizable pieces of advertising in American culture. Coffee aside, the best part of waking up for billions of people

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Make This World A Better Place

Last week, on social media, my wife read about a parent’s lament that their digital movie streaming had been down for three days and “I don’t know what to do with my out of control kids. I’m going crazy too!” Really? Have we lost our

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Shape Up Your Employees | Infographic

Is your employee’s behaviour disrupting business activites and diminishing productivity? Have you been thinking of ways to transform their attitude without rupturing your relationship with them?

Weeds or Wishes

Well before the pandemic and the unrest in our society, Psychologist Robert L. Leahy, Ph.D., wrote an inciteful article (July 30, 2018) for Psychology Today entitled: Have We Lost Perspective? Leahy gives us several reasons as to why so many were (and are) upset. One

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a team leader running a tight ship with happy employees

A Leader’s Manual to Building Resilience in a Time of Constant Change

From blue-chip conglomerates to non-profit organizations, no matter how well-rounded a company’s contingency plan is, the only thing that can help it during a crisis is a team’s resilience—and the role of a leader in cultivating this resilience is nothing short of monumental. The world

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employees working in a virtual workspace

Combating Negativities in the Virtual Workplace

The uncertainty of the coronavirus has impacted everyone. From businesses to individuals, no one is immune to the effects of the pandemic. While it’s true that the world was slowly moving toward a virtual workspace, the sudden onset of the coronavirus put us on a

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Motivating Your Remote Workers | Infographic

With the pandemic continuing to impact the world’s population, it has become even more important for you to boost your employee’s morale and motivate them to stay longer.

Find A Way

There are many people running around who have lost their passion for life, their hobbies, their jobs and even their families.  About a year ago, when words such as “pandemic” and “social distancing” were not on our radar, business writer Linda Smith had an interesting

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Happy employees working together productively

3 Personality Types You Need to Know as a Manager

With the onset of the coronavirus and businesses adopting remote working models to keep themselves up and running while ensuring their employees’ safety, managers and supervisors are faced with a new set of challenges. Much like the unforeseen circumstances brought about by the vicious pandemic,

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Empowering female employees for professional development

Women In The Workplace: 5 Ways To Empower Female Employees

The rise of the #MeToo movement and the Time’s Up campaign has made tremendous waves for the women’s movement in the last decade. It has changed the discussion about their place in the workforce by shedding light on the issues and obstacles they face every day. For those who

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Hope Can Multiply A Thousand Times

Several years ago, when I wrote Enjoy the Ride, I had no idea (who did?) that most of us would spend at least six months of 2020 in lock-down. As an eternal optimist, I am cautiously cheering on the many pharmaceutical companies (nearly 150 of

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How Leaders Need To Power Through This Pandemic With Their Team | Infographic

Working from home during this pandemic has been difficult for a lot of people. Managers can help their teams to stay positive and power through these trying times.

Love In Motion

The prestigious Stanford Center for Longevity, published a report, pre-COVID-19, on why volunteering rates were declining. The top three reasons were given: people said that they lacked time to participate, others said that they weren’t aware of volunteering opportunities, but the third reason completely captivated

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How Leaders Can Help Everyone Ride the Wave of the Coronavirus Pandemic

How Leaders Can Help Everyone Ride the Wave of the Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has thrown us all into unchartered waters. From economic uncertainty to the fear of contracting the virus, 2020 is proving to be exceptionally bad for the mental health of people all around the world. In stressful and uncertain times like these, there’s

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Autograph Your Work With Excellence

The word “organization” was originally interpreted in two ways: it meant “everything in its place” and the add-on, “a place for everything.” Additionally, the organization came to mean a workplace; for example, “I work for the Chicken Feed Organization where they pay me chicken feed.”

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Why Employee Experiences Matters Now More Than Ever

Why Employee Experiences Matters Now More Than Ever

Believe it or not, it’s not your infrastructure that’s your biggest asset. It’s your employees. They’re what keep your organization running without a hiccup so that business operations can run smoothly. However, many organizations often take their employees’ contributions for granted. They believe that salaries

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Virtual Presentations. How They Help Motivate Employees ft

Virtual Presentations: How They Help Motivate Employees

The global pandemic has caused thousands of employees to work from home, bringing a myriad of new challenges that they’ve never experienced before.

Stop Moping and Start Hoping

Are you a fan of musical comedy? I am. As hokey and as silly as they can sometimes be, they inspire and lift my spirits. Now, when a musical comedy is about sports, I’m “all in” with enthusiasm and singing.   You Gotta Have Heart

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Slow Down and Breathe

I am willing to go out on a limb and say that most of you have never heard of the infamous “Newman’s Energy Machine.” There was a lot of hype about Newman’s perpetual energy machine in 1979 and 1980. I’m no physicist, but the bottom

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Keeping Your Team Motivated Remotely

Remote working is the new normal, and we need to get used to it. However, working from home has its own set of complications that may hinder an organization’s overall productivity—one of them being low employee motivation. So, if you want your organization to keep morale

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woman wearing earpiece

Mastering Customer Service Communication

We live in a world that has become increasingly globalized, which, ironically, has given rise to the pursuit of individualism. This holds for people in all spectrums of life, whether they’re struggling with their identity or communicating with an individual. Seeking individuality or uniqueness in

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Working From Home: Ways To Stay Motivated

During this COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations are running their businesses successfully by having employees work from home.

Mistakes Don’t Make You

The great martial artist Bruce Lee said: “Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them.” How many of us turn our mistakes into life-long regrets because we lack the personal courage to forgive ourselves?   If I Could Turn Back Time

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backview adult male

5 Ways to Reignite the Spark in Burned-Out Employees

As COVID-19 causes a mass shift toward working from home, many employees are struggling to remain empowered and motivated, and as a result, are suffering from diminishing productivity levels and overwhelming stress. The pandemic has brought an onslaught of accompanying problems with it that have

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Citizens of the World Fighting Against a Single Cause

The pandemic has changed lives and will continue to do so until it’s been defeated. This is a test where the citizens of the world must unite against a single cause to save humanity.

Who Loves Ya, Baby?

Going back to the “ancient times” of television, there was a detective series featuring actor Telly Savalas in a series called “Kojak.” He was a tough, bald-headed cop who sucked on lollipops. What I remember most about the series was a line he made famous:

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Staying Motivated While Working from Home

Staying Motivated While Working from Home

The COVID-19 pandemic has completely transformed life as we knew it. One day we were concerned about a virus far, far away, and the next thing you know, we’re asked to stay at home. We’re supposed to exercise social distancing, not just for our safety but also for the safety of our loved ones and community.

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Habits For Personal Development

This health crisis caused by COVID-19 has disrupted everyone’s lives. Wheter, it’s a loved one testing positive, experiencing financial strain or losing your job, the effects of COVID-19 are far-reaching.

Listen With Your Heart

In 2016, I wrote a blog entitled, “Listen To Your Heart.” The focus of the article was about the choices we make in our lives every moment of every day. Whereas ego tells us we need this thing or that thing to be successful, our

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Kindness Matters

“Kindness” is a word we all too often hear, but can’t define. If my neighbor bakes six-dozen cookies for the church bake sale, is she being kind? Perhaps. How about the man who volunteers to be the head coach for the local youth football team?

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young adult wearing protection mask

5 Ways to Stay Motivated and Positive During the Coronavirus Pandemic

As COVID-19 envelops the world in fear, stress, anxiety and uncertainty, people are struggling to find the light at the end of the tunnel.

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Managing Anxiety In The Workplace

One stretching exercies includes looking at the top left corner of your compute then moving your eyes to the top right corner and then the bottom left corner.

Follow Your Instincts

The most perceptive people in my life have been given one of the greatest gifts of all: intuition. I would argue that intuition is our sixth sense. Intuition can’t be measured, it doesn’t appear as a number, but those who have it believe they can

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Listening to Understand, Not to React: A Guide

“We need to talk” is a phrase that can bring anyone to their knees. It’s something that many of us have heard at different points in time and from different people. Be it bosses, parents, teachers, friends or partners, it’s almost always nerve-wracking to hear.

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Why You Should Take the Wheel

Life’s What You Make It: Why You Should Take the Wheel

Many of us believe there’s a divine decree at work, running everything behind the scenes. Others believe in the power of the universe and a higher power, not necessarily divine. There are still those who believe in none of this and think everything is the

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Reason Employees Lose The Motivation At Workplaces

Motivation is the willingness to work hard, be dedicated and leverage the skills to achieve goals. A workplace without a motivated team can’t bring the desired outcomes needed to take the business to the next level.

In All Honesty

The quality of being honest, of living a life rich with honesty has often come to be a watered-down concept. Recently, I searched for just the word “Honesty” in the context of news stories using only the phrase “I believe in honesty.” The phrase was

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clear glass with red sand grainer

Time Doesn’t Stop for Anyone—So Enjoy the Ride

Some days, time seems to stand still, especially when you want it to pass quickly to get through you the doldrums of your job or some other menial task. Day after day of this can feel like a never-ending cycle and bring you down.

three persons sitting on the stairs talking to each other

4 Unique Ways to Define Success for Yourself

Success is a word we hear so often and immediately associate with some things more than others. A hefty bank balance; shiny cars; a big home in an expensive city; designer outfits and business class flights. Money. Fame. Popularity. Titles and accolades. These definitions and

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5 Tips To Ensure Effective Employee Communication

Seeing coworkers in a different setting give them a chance to develop a more personal bond with each other.

Personal Growth is a Choice

What does it mean to grow? In the usual frame of reference, we might see “growth” as someone who gets taller or bigger. Sometimes it’s a good thing, sometimes not. A man who gains 25 pounds worth of cheeseburgers, shakes, and fries might grow larger,

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Managing Anxiety in the Workplace

Managing Anxiety in the Workplace

Each workplace has its own set of challenges. While some of us may thrive under pressure at the workplace, others don’t bode that well. Overbearing pressure can often manifest in the form of work anxiety. Work anxiety is work-induced stress that affects an individual’s emotional and

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“You do not have to be rich to be generous.” – Anonymous What do we mean when we say that someone is generous? Does it mean we automatically crown the person who has given $5 million to fund the new wing of a hospital as

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The Unexpected Consequences of Success

Success is a rocky road, and as hard as it is to get to the top, staying there is much harder. This is primarily because we’ve always been told about strategies that can guarantee success, but few of us are prepared for what comes after it. We

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Fun is Infectious

When did we stop having fun? It’s a serious question that is worrying psychiatrists, psychologists, and philosophers. We talk about having fun, but it seems more elusive than ever. Writer and philosopher Lori Deschene wrote an article entitled “How to Have More Fun in Life:

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ft-Tips To Appear More Competent At The Workplace

Tips To Appear More Competent At The Workplace

It’s important to appear competent at your workplace to build professional relationships with your boss and coworkers. They’ll view you as a capable person who can carry out business activities, make better decisions and handle critical situations.

Is Your Gut Feeling Real or Is That Just Fear

Is Your Gut Feeling Real or Is That Just Fear?

Your gut is valuable to your life: both as a literal part of your body and as a figurative force that guides you. How many times in your life have you almost attempted something, or met someone, only to have a feeling that something isn’t

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When to Take Advice and When to Call the Shots

When to Take Advice and When to Call the Shots

It’s hard to draw the line between taking advice and doing your own thing. When you’re in a position to make decisions, it can be a lot of pressure. Whether those decisions affect you alone, an organization, your family or anyone else in your life,

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Shut Out The Noise

In about a year and a half as the Wide Receivers coach with the Pittsburgh Steelers, Darryl Drake had become known to tell his players, “Shut out the noise.” It applied to many distractions from whatever tasks at hand the Steelers faced. Drake, 62, died

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Fear Kills More Dreams Than Failure

We all fail, even those who seem to “have it made.” Today’s triumph can turn into tomorrow’s dud. The brilliant author whose debut novel rises to the top of the New York Times bestseller list may follow up that effort with a second novel whose

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Why Support Systems Matter to Individual Success

Why Support Systems Matter to Individual Success

On the surface, every successful person that you look up to—every athlete, every scientist, every doctor, every CEO or entrepreneur—seems to have made it wherever they are on the basis of their hard work and perseverance alone.

The Importance of Sharing Your Story with the World

The Importance of Sharing Your Story with the World

There’s a certain power to vulnerability. You’re not weaker if you let the world in and show them who you truly are; in fact, you get to invite other people to be more in tune with their true selves, too.


Some will call it, “Enthusiasm,” and those of us who are more continental might call it a Joie de vivre, a joy for living, but there seems to be a sad lack of it. If you feel that way as well, it is not your

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Find Your Way

Ten years ago, I met a brilliant architect who went by the moniker of “Doc.” I was surprised by the nickname, so I had to ask. He replied, absolutely straight-faced, that following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, he went to medical school

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The Science of Motivation

The Science of Motivation

Whether you’re a freelance worker, an entrepreneur or a manager, nothing should make you doubt the power of motivation. Motivation can energize people, boost their productivity and allow them a little control over internal and external factors that can potentially hamper their productivity.

Faces of Stress

The Different Faces of Stress

Each one of us is surrounded by stress-inducing triggers that implicitly or explicitly affect our mental and physical health. A survey conducted by the American Psychology Association concluded that most Americans suffer from stress, which has increased by 44 percent in the last five years.

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Imagination Has No Limit

Many years ago, my wife and I took a trip to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. As we were driving the back roads, near to a river that connected with the Chesapeake Bay, we came across a beautifully lettered wooden sign for a shipbuilder. Beyond

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Inhale Courage, Exhale Fear

Jeremy works three jobs. He has his primary job as a clerk for a transit system, he drives two hours a day for Uber, and he works from home as a virtual tutor for English as a second language program. I might add that he

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If You Fall, Get Back Up

If You Fall, Get Back Up

Human beings are incredible in our ability to bounce back from failures. Even if the most critical failures, accidents, mishaps and tragedies leave us physically, emotionally and mentally depleted, we find a way to persevere.

Making a Difference

Making a Difference: Why It’s Important to Give Back

We’re often blind to our own privilege and the blessings we have in life. We’re so used to playing the victim, underestimating ourselves and giving in to the difficulties that arise in our personal and professional lives.

Cooperate More. Compete, Less.

Who hasn’t heard the expression, “If you want something done right, then do it yourself?” It hearkens back to another age, but even then, it wasn’t right. It’s pretty hard to string a fence by yourself, let alone raising a barn. The truth is, whether

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3 Secrets to Life All Successful People Know

3 Secrets to Life All Successful People Know

Successful people are not necessarily those who seem to have it all together: a stable, well-paying career, a family, a home, assets, savings, etc. Your own definition of success dictates who you look up to as the epitome of a successful individual.

Recovering from Setbacks and Failures and Looking Ahead

Recovering from Setbacks and Failures and Looking Ahead

It doesn’t matter how many great people in the world have seen failure in their professional and personal lives. Their grief and stories of powering through the storm are insignificant in the moments where your life feels like it’s falling apart.

Inside The Box

We have been conditioned to believe that outside the box thinking is good, while consistency in thought and action is bad. Countless people tell us to go through life coloring outside the lines while conforming to norms is the worst thing you can do. If

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Confidence is Contagious

Confidence, another way of saying we’re self-assured, is a precious gift that we can give to ourselves. Fortunately, it can’t be bought in a store or online. Why do I say “fortunately?” because when we achieve a state of self-assurance, we have given ourselves one

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Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Sometimes, the Rat Race Doesn’t Matter

Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Sometimes, the Rat Race Doesn’t Matter

We’re consistently told to do more, learn more, finish more and accomplish a whole list of things by a certain age. These messages are toxic and mount excessive pressure on today’s workforce. Being told that we’re inadequate and dispensable unless we’re churning out work constantly

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It’s Not As Bad As It Seems: Why We All Need Reality Checks

It’s Not As Bad As It Seems: Why We All Need Reality Checks

Pain, stress and sadness all have the ability to engulf you. They’re so hard to deal with because they suck you in, making you lose touch with reality. Nothing else seems to matter in these moments because it feels like the world is ending.

Stay Composed

Are you calm or reactive and volatile? I ask that question as no more than five minutes ago, and I got off the phone with someone who requested a simple answer to the question, “How come you’re not angrier? How come you seem so composed?”

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Best Tactics to Get the Most Out of Your Employees

Best Tactics to Get the Most Out of Your Employees

Employees are the heart and soul of any organization. Without a cooperative and dedicated workforce, even the most foolproof business plan will not pan out. You can’t run a successful business without the help of a workforce that’s as invested as you are. Unhappy workers

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Help, I’m Texting And I Can’t Communicate!

As opposed to our parents or grandparent’s generations, we have more tools at our disposal to communicate with one another than ever before. For example, back in the day, it was a pretty big deal to have a telephone on the wall of the kitchen.

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Boost Productivity by Playing to Your Team Members’ Strengths!

Boost Productivity by Playing to Your Team Members’ Strengths!

The telltale sign of any good manager is their ability to do what their job title suggests: manage people. This in no way implies that the often detrimental and almost derogatory practice of micromanaging should be commonplace even with the best managers.

Doing Good Does You Good

What do we mean when we use the expression common sense? Is common sense the domain of the elderly? Not always. I have a friend whose grandfather purchased a truckload of fishing hooks! Grandma just about divorced him after that. And, she must have been

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Making the Most Out of a Dead-End Job

Making the Most Out of a Dead-End Job

Not all jobs may offer you the career growth you’re so desperately looking for, but every job offers essential takeaways that you should be able to use somewhere along the road.

Stepping into a Career Change

Stepping into a Career Change – What You Need to Know

Have you been working at the same organization or with the same office for a long time? Have you come to a point where you feel there is nothing more your current workplace can offer? Are you looking for a career change? If so, we’ve

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The Law of Charisma

Do you have a magnetic or charismatic personality? Do you envy those who do? If so, you have a lot of company. Though some men and women enter a room and immediately attract everyone in it through some natural gift, they are in the minority.

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True Character

Character is forged through adversity, developed through lived values and becomes the defining “characteristic” of your nature. Adversity is defined and addressed differently by each who encounters what he or she believes to be challenging or trying times. The key words are “believe” and “challenge.”

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Work-Life Choices

There are software developers in Silicon Valley, Wall Street Lawyers, serial entrepreneurs and even exercise addicts whose lives have become so unbalanced; they miss their being entirely. I have known many in my past, and there will be more to come. Years ago, I knew

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Mastering Your Destiny: Reclaiming Control

Mastering Your Destiny: Reclaiming Control

Have you ever thought about your free will? Do you consider yourself truly free? May of us have and would probably answer yes to this question. Unfortunately, we often don’t understand what real freedom is. If our actions are a reaction to what happens around

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The Power of Belief: Mind Over Matter

The Power of Belief: Mind Over Matter

Descartes once said “I think, therefore, I am.” Even though we see this phrase thrown around a lot, many of us don’t really understand what it means.

Authenticity Over Everything

Far too many people go through life knowing who they are without ever finding the courage to be who they are. One of the hardest things in life is letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embrace who we are. It

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Be Approachable

The most open and approachable people I know always seem to have a smile on their face. Is this an accident or is it a skill that must be learned? Many years ago, I knew a couple who owned a small dry cleaning and tailor

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How to Stand Out in a World Full of Competition

How to Stand Out in a World Full of Competition

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be the loudest person in the room to stand out. In fact, a study has shown that there is a direct relationship between perceived annoyance and the loudness of communal sounds.

How You Can Create a Breakthrough in Any Aspect of Your Life

How You Can Create a Breakthrough in Any Aspect of Your Life

Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a never-ending cycle of failure? Do you find yourself unable to succeed every time you endeavor to turn your life around? It’s a tough spot to be in.

Ambition Is The First Step To Success

There was an interesting article that appeared in The Washington Post in March 2015 entitled: “Forget Harvard and Stanford. It really doesn’t matter where you go to college.” Though the article was primarily written for parents “devastated” by the prospect that their straight-A students might

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Claim Your Own Adventure

Despite the digital interconnectedness of modern-day society, a significant percentage of us are virtually stuck in place in our real, not virtual lives. It is incredibly easy for us to click on YouTube and “be” in Bali or Brazil in a second, but in our

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Negative Thoughts You Need to Get Rid Of

Negative Thoughts You Need to Get Rid Of

You’ve almost sealed the deal with a client you’ve been pursuing for 3 months. You’re just an email away from convincing them to choose your company over your competitor’s.

Change Before You Have To

There was an image we used to have of what made for a successful business person, parent or even neighbor. It was predictability. A person worked hard at their job, earned a 30 or 40-year service pin, raised a family, and belonged to the same

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Becoming A Person of Action

Is the image you might have of a “person of action Harrison Ford as “Indiana Jones?” Perhaps it’s Angelina Jolie in “The Tourist,” or Will Smith in “Men In Black.” Or does a star athlete remind you of a person of action? Serena Williams, Tom

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Life is Better With Friends

Not long ago, I was reminded of an old story of two friends who exchanged the same Christmas card for over 40 years. Over the years they added new comments, but the card itself, weathered and worn, went first to one friend and then to

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Hard Things You Have To Do To Push Ahead In Your Life

Hard Things You Have To Do To Push Ahead In Your Life

Many of us complain about feeling stuck in life. But sitting in one spot and continuously complaining about all that’s wrong isn’t going to get you anywhere.

Unexpected Paths

In the older part of our town, there are several streets with very wide medians, perhaps 250 feet wide, and then on either side of the roads that run along the median are lovely Victorian homes of the 1870s and 1880s. The medians have been

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Life is What You Make It

The period between Thanksgiving and the New Year is all too often reduced to receiving those Christmas-time letters that invariably talk of amazing vacations, state championships, reports of honor rolls or trophies won for most every honor under the sun. Last year we received a

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Why Mindset Is The Key To Success

Why Mindset Is The Key To Success

The mark of a person destined for success is their consistently high level of energy and self-motivation. With that said, anyone—from entrepreneurs to established conglomerate heads—may struggle with maintaining their internal drive.

Signs You’re More Stressed Than You Think

Signs You’re More Stressed Than You Think

In today’s world, many of us lead stressful lives. It could be your job, an illness, personal relationships, a feeling of not having a purpose.

Choose Joy

Not long ago, I ran into an old acquaintance of mine. I hadn’t seen Charlie in a few years, in fact, not since his former company “went south,” as the expression goes. He had been a faithful employee of the manufacturing company for several years,

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Should Managers Care About Employee Loyalty?

Should Managers Care About Employee Loyalty?

“Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to!” – Richard Branson It doesn’t matter what kind of business you run—a startup or a conglomerate—you are not entitled to employee loyalty.

Fear: The Most Powerful Motivator?

Fear: The Most Powerful Motivator?

Do you find yourself making excuses to delay starting your work because you’re afraid the boss won’t like it?

A Daily Dose of Humor

The health club near to where I live is large, ultra-modern and quite busy. There is a lot of great equipment, and most of the cardio machines have small televisions built in with access to many cable channels. When I am not on the road,

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The Start of More Memories

It is my pleasure to start this post with a public service announcement for anyone new to landscaping his or her shrubs and flowerbeds. When you order bulk mulch from the landscape supply store, and they ask how many yards, remember that they’re talking cubic

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The Science of Meditation at the Workplace

The Science of Meditation at the Workplace

The epidemic of stress is a real issue in the modern day. Jobs today are becoming increasingly demanding of our mental and physical capacities due to businesses evolving into more complex and global operations. Many of us are constantly caught in a struggle to meet

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Unity is Diversity

A beloved friend was recently going through a health challenge with his heart rhythm. His cardiologist recommended a surgical procedure to bring the rhythm under control. We promised his wife that we would come to the hospital to give her support while he underwent the

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Enjoy The Ride While You’re On It

My knee was acting up the other day. Nevertheless, I wanted some exercise, and so I brought out my bicycle with the wide tires. It is called a “City Bike,” and it is built for comfort not speed. It has (I’m told) about 21 gears,

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3 Traits Every Employer Wants You to Have

3 Traits Every Employer Wants You to Have

No one aims for a life of mediocrity, to spend their work tenure under the shadow of their more talented peers. If you’re not careful, though, that’s exactly where you might end up.

The Best Ways to Keep Employee Morale High During Tough Times

The Best Ways to Keep Employee Morale High During Tough Times

Show us a successful company and we’ll show you the long list of struggles they’ve overcome.

Live Within Your Happiness

Are you living within your happiness? It’s a question you may not have considered. We are taught from a relatively young age to live within our means, though I realize some of us don’t, but what does it mean to live within our happiness? I

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It’s The Little Things That Count: How Random Acts of Kindness Can Empower You

It’s The Little Things That Count: How Random Acts of Kindness Can Empower You

How many times have you received a compliment from a random stranger and felt like it made your day? An unexpected bright smile on the metro. Maybe someone held the door open for you while you were struggling with groceries—maybe there is some good left

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Not All Treasure is Silver and Gold

  A favorite aunt passed away last year. She was 94, and her mind was crystal clear until the very end. She died in her own home, and as she passed, her pastor, three children, and their spouses surrounded her. There was sadness, to be

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Greater Than Any Obstacle

There probably isn’t a person reading this post who hasn’t heard of Ludwig van Beethoven. Beethoven, one of the most famous of all composers, became deaf and composed some of his most famous symphonies while completely deaf. It is said that he had the legs

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Remember When

Last weekend, a friend who is thirty twice over commented, “I can’t believe it’s already July.” He then added, “It just seems like the older we get, the faster time goes.” With July 4th in the rearview mirror, we started reminiscing about our favorite holidays,

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Maintain Yourself - How To DevelopAnd Maintain Good Habits

Maintain Yourself – How To Develop And Maintain Good Habits

Developing good habits can be hard at first, but as with anything else in life, it can be developed and maintained through perseverance.

Developing These 3 Ruthless Skills Will Make You Succeed

Developing These 3 Ruthless Skills Will Make You Succeed

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.” — Thomas Jefferson What do ultra-successful people have that others don’t? An inextinguishable hunger for life-long learning.

Empathy: The Power of Connection

  I thought a great deal about the human heart this past week, how fragile it is and how easy it is to take another person’s heart for granted. More than that, I found out about the “Internet Heart.” Within seven days, Anthony Bourdain and

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Inspiration Is in Every Corner: How to Motivate Yourself

Inspiration Is in Every Corner: How to Motivate Yourself

Unfortunately, inspiration is never around the corner when you need it most. You’re working on a top-priority project and have been given a set of instructions by the client: make it creative and unique. You’ve been working on it for days, and every idea and

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Trade Expectations For Acceptance

At a recent T-ball game that my four-year-old grandson Caleb was “starring” in (maybe an overstatement), an incident occurred that motivated me to write this blog. As I stood watching a young boy batting, I heard a voice yell, “Jimmy, choke up! Move your right

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The Fear of Becoming Irrelevant

As many of you know, I am a big fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers, and recently the NFL hosted their annual draft. There is something about its spectacle and its optimism that just makes me feel good. Every team drafts players that they hope will

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A Brief Guide to Helping Your Employees Feel Motivated Again

A Brief Guide to Helping Your Employees Feel Motivated Again

Employee motivation is the key to the success of any business, company or organization. One of the things that separates second and third tier organizations from the cream of the crop is the fact that employees actually feel like getting up, going to work and

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Feeling Demotivated All The Time? Here Are the Likely Reasons Why

Feeling Demotivated All The Time? Here Are the Likely Reasons Why

We all have off-days. Staying energized and working hard every single day is not possible. In fact, it’s unreasonable. The mind and body need time to repose. However, what happens when a couple off-days turn into a week of no inspiration or energy for work?

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Your True Creator of Value

Not long ago, a dear friend who owns a highly successful auto body shop in the Boston area sent me an article written by the CEO of a vast, international conglomerate based in Bahrain. I was not especially surprised, as Jeff is not your typical

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Important Life Lessons You Can Learn From Steve Gilliland

Important Life Lessons You Can Learn From Steve Gilliland

Nothing comes easy, and nothing comes for free. Even those who are at the top of the ladder of success have had to climb up from the bottom. Steve Gilliland, an amazing storyteller and keynote speaker, had it tough. There are no shortcuts in life,

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Guilty Pleasures to Eliminate to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Guilty Pleasures to Eliminate to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Let’s admit it. We all have guilty pleasures. Whether it’s that one song that gets us in the groove or it’s test driving expensive sports cars, we all have our secrets.

You see your boss living a luxurious lifestyle—cars, mansion, perfect spouse—the entire package. Deep down, you’re envious.

These feelings and thoughts are not uncommon. Many “wantrepreneurs” have had them. However, the truth is, many people are unable to achieve success because they lack focus.

You need to cut out the distractions in your life to find your focus. Here are a few guilty pleasures to get rid of:

Excessive Hangouts

Have you noticed something about really successful people? They socialize and have tons of friends, but the people who are close to them are few. This is because they follow the “choose your friends wisely” advice.

This does not mean you shouldn’t socialize. However, it does mean you will be judged by the company you keep.

Video Games

Video games are on top of the list because while they help us learn new things. They can also distract us from the most important things in life.

They distract us from building relationships with people who really matter and hold us back from putting in effort when it comes to work.

So throw out the video game console, sit down and write down a few ideas you want to work on before the end of the year.

It will help you brainstorm and come up with creative solutions that are more productive.

Excessive Partying

Successful don’t have time to go clubbing with friends; they’re too busy working on the next big thing.

While relaxing after a long day of work is important, excessive partying can distract you from the important projects, deadlines and responsibilities you need to focus on.

Instead, take the opportunity to attend social events where you can meet potential clients and customers. It’s killing two birds with one stone. You’ll be able to socialize and promote your brand in an effective way.

Steve Gilliland is one of the highest-rated motivational and keynote speakers in North America. Often called a master storyteller and known for his wit and sense of humor, he can be heard every day on SiriusXM Radio’s Laugh USA and Jeff and Larry’s Comedy Roundup.

Steve continues to influence the lives of people through his books, CDs, DVDs and presentations on motivation and inspiration.

Visit his website to learn more or follow him on social media to keep up with his latest keynote presentations!

Real Wealth Isn’t About Money

One of the most delightful entrepreneurs I have ever encountered was a man named Calvin, but all of his friends called him “Cal.” Our local business journal has described him as a “highly successful serial entrepreneur.” It is true, but it is just the tip

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The Prison of Fear

As a youngster growing up in my mid-sized town, I remember there were two hardware businesses. They each seemed to my young, elementary school mind to be modestly successful. I knew both owners, and they were decent people. For a while, they were what you

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Why Self-Compassion Is Important

Why Self-Compassion Is Important

There’s a saying that we are own worst critics. We’re never satisfied with what we do. If you’ve ever met a person who was happy with everything they’ve achieved in life, they’re probably like a rare Pokémon! The truth is, there’s something to learn from

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Live In The Moment

My mom recently gave me a shoebox crammed with fading and creased photographs, or what we used to call “snapshots.” These were just a few of the numerous pictures my late stepfather kept tucked away in his vast collection. There were snapshots from my grandparent’s

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Carpe Diem Philosophy: How to Truly Seize the Day

Carpe Diem Philosophy: How to Truly Seize the Day

When Dead Poets Society was released, Robin Williams stole the hearts of viewers around the world thanks to his portrayal of a remarkable character who believed that ordinary lives can be transformed into something truly extraordinary if we believed in ourselves. “Carpe diem”—or “seize the

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Assume Everything Matters

I recently walked out to the bird feeders on our property to help my wife fill the plastic tubes with wild bird mix and to hang a new suet block. I realize this fact probably won’t phase some of you, but my research revealed there

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How Lack of Motivation Is Killing Your Company

How Lack of Motivation Is Killing Your Company

Dissatisfaction and disinterest in an employee at the workplace is a dangerous thing. It’s a silent poison that is slowly eating away at your resources, draining your best talent. Sure, it’s one thing if there’s one employee with an issue, but if you notice that

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Stay Strong

It was on a June night last summer, about 10 p.m., that I heard strange music coming from a neighbor’s home. By “strange,” I mean uncommonly beautiful. It wasn’t trendy music or electronic or metallic. It was a single violin, played at the moment. I

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Keep the Flame Burning: 5 Ways to Fall Back in Love with Life

Keep the Flame Burning: 5 Ways to Fall Back in Love with Life

Life is an intricate journey rife with different experiences. Often, those experiences can lead to us feeling disillusioned and discouraged. It’s natural to feel like life has let you down, where it feels like you’re stuck in a rut or find it hard to feel

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It’s Time to Get Back on Track

The question I ask, “Why do we applaud each other’s children?” is not a trick question, and there may not even be a single correct answer, but it is pretty revealing about our character. Last week, I was asked to attend a recital at our

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The Meaning of Life

It has just turned to 2018, and I sincerely hope that for many of us we have the ability, the courage and the will to reach out to those who suffer and struggle. Our love for others may sometimes go unnoticed and, in fact, it

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How to Live the Life You Want in 2018

How to Live the Life You Want in 2018

If you’re not one to partake in New Year’s celebrations, try to think of all the reasons why. Do you think next year will be the same as last? Do you believe New Year’s resolutions are made to be abandoned? Or are you simply afraid

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5 New Year’s Resolutions for Every Leader

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Every Leader

If you want to discover how leaders maintain their winning streak, take a peek into their New Year’s resolutions because their list is likely to be long! Whether we’re talking about political leaders, business leaders or leaders in our own communities and families, a person

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3 Motivational Questions You Should Ask Yourself Daily

3 Motivational Questions You Should Ask Yourself Daily

We spend a significant part of our day asking questions that influence our motivation levels. Whether you’re a student, teacher, CEO or journalist, your conversations are most likely littered with all kinds of questions. How many of them actually help you uncover an important truth

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Talk Like a Champ: The Power of Positive Language

Talk Like a Champ: The Power of Positive Language

If you pay attention to the way successful people talk, you’ll notice that they all speak one language. Driven by passion and self-belief, they employ positive terminology to enrich their discourse and exude an air of confidence that inspires others to take control of their

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Why Your Journey Is More Important Than Your Destination

Why Your Journey Is More Important Than Your Destination

If you’re a fan of superhero movies, you’re probably familiar with the story of the “Chosen One.” A seemingly ordinary person gifted with unimaginable powers is suddenly tasked with the monumental responsibility of saving the world. Out of nowhere, they go from being a nobody

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Stop Glorifying Busy

Her name is Judy, and she works out at our local gym. She is impressive or maddening, it all depends on how you view her. Judy is by one standard highly successful. She is a lawyer and partner in a busy practice. She is married

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Love Your Job, And Your Job Will Love You

Love Your Job, And Your Job Will Love You

If you could turn to your co-worker on a busy Monday afternoon and ask them how their day’s going, how do you think they’ll react? From mournful sighs to sarcastic jabs, you’ll discover a hundred and one ways to say “I hate my job.” In

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You Make My Heart Sing

The first time I met Craig, I was sitting in a local restaurant north of Pittsburgh eating a tuna fish salad sandwich and just minding my business. Suddenly, a deep, operatic voice was heard about 20 decibels (it seemed) above the lunchtime diners. He was

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Strength Beyond Your Imagination

This blog is based on a true story. However, I hope you won’t mind if I give the gentleman a different name and withhold the name of his organization. Samuel, “Sam” for short, is a WWII veteran. He is about to celebrate his 93rd birthday,

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The Perfect Ripple

Not more than two months ago, an important health study was published by the American Psychological Association (APA). The report is summarized as follows: “Loneliness and social isolation may represent a greater public health hazard than obesity, and their impact has been growing and will

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The 3 Ps of Positivity

The 3 Ps of Positivity

How can you tell if you’re a workaholic or simply passionate about what you do? Take a moment to ask yourself three questions: Do you feel like you’re making a difference beyond your office? Are you a source of motivation and inspiration for anyone around

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3 Ways to Retain Great Employees, No Matter What Your Industry

3 Ways to Retain Great Employees, No Matter What Your Industry

Ever leave a generous tip at your local coffee shop for their fantastic service and see the server’s reaction when they’re not looking? In many cases, they’ll tuck it into their pockets expressionless. When you give them a special shout-out in the comment card, however,

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A (Step)ping Stone

It is with a heavy heart that I write this short blog and pay tribute to my stepfather, who departed this earth last week. He was a man who stepped up when others stepped down. A man of few words who had a quiet strength

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Silver Linings

When we want to emphasize the hopeful side of a situation, we refer to the term “silver lining.” I am almost certain that you can think of a difficulty that turned out to be a positive experience. No one likes trials, challenges and glitches; however,

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The Destination Disease: Do You Have It?

The Destination Disease: Do You Have It?

Next time you’re stuck in slow-moving traffic, take a moment to look around as you’re waiting for the signal to turn green. Hundreds of cars in all shapes and sizes with drivers and passengers of all ages. Each pick-up truck, each mini-van, each hybrid, SUV

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Steering the Wheel of Change: How to Win in Unpredictable Circumstances

Steering the Wheel of Change: How to Win in Unpredictable Circumstances

Think about some of the coolest jobs in the world and try to identify what they all have in common. They don’t have to have their headquarters in California, and they don’t all have to be jobs that pay in millions. Take something as creative

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Just Around the Corner

On a recent trip to Washington, D.C., I had just enough time in a hectic day to take an Uber ride over to one of my favorite places, the Smithsonian. The museum is so immense; it is not just one building, but several. I had

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What Makes Us Special

Three years ago, I had the pleasure of being in the company of several authors and speakers who were visiting the states from Europe. They were wonderful people, and we shared conversation and laughter over dinner. The gentlemen from Germany felt their contributions to art

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While passing through North Carolina, an old friend happened to stop by the house the other day. He was once a happy and modestly successful man, but as he grew older, I am afraid he became more and more bitter. There were several reasons for

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Time Has Changed

Is your time precious? I am sure most everyone reading this article would say, “Of course my time is precious, Steve.” Good, now we are on the same page. My time is precious, too. Who controls your time? That is a far more difficult question.

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Finding Inspiration in Life’s Little Challenges

“Worry gives small things a huge shadow!” – Anonymous Wealth, power, status and grandeur are commonly considered the signs of a successful person. The reality is that a huge salary really says nothing about the grit and resilience of a person. Success is not about

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Finding Time for Personal Growth

Finding Time for Personal Growth

Do you want to be at a point in life where you wake up happy and excited to face the day ahead? That would be the real achievement, bringing your life to a point where it’s really worth living. The biggest secret to pure happiness

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Be a Difference Maker

As I sit down to write this article, I am reminded of a story I read a few years ago about a prominent dermatologist who had a downtown office and a suburban office. Rather than driving one of his expensive cars to his downtown office,

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The Greatest Luxury in Life

It was one of those trendy restaurants that can be found in most any city, and in larger cities there may be many of them. It was not a chain and not ritzy, but the kind of place where business people gather and clients meet

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Your Personal Superpower of Vision: Use It Wisely & Often!

If you were asked to describe what your life would be like 10 years from now, what kind of a picture would you paint? How is your financial situation a decade later? What do your relationships look like? Is your business and career doing any

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Time Is of the Essence

Time Is of the Essence: Wising Up and Doing More

Your time is immensely valuable. The sooner you realize that, the better you will become at learning to manage it wisely.

No Problem!

Language changes. I get that. In fact, I must always keep up with expressions, slang and sayings to make my presentations more contemporary to my audiences. Back in the day, when I was working in the greeting card industry, learning, improving and knowing the latest

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Looking for Inspiration

Looking for Inspiration: The Purpose of Purpose

The pursuit of purpose is a significant and pervasive part of the human experience. We are always striving to seek meaning in our daily existence, aiming to establish an overarching sense of purpose in life.

Been There, Actually Done That

It was at one of my favorite local restaurants that I saw a young girl staring at her computer, looking somber and almost on the verge of tears. I did not want to intrude, but the look on her face was breaking my heart. Since

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Overcoming Challenges

Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Overcoming Challenges

In the path toward your goals and self-development, you will find that there are many roadblocks along the way. No doubt, you are going to face many challenges throughout the course of your life—what matters is how you choose to react to the adversity you

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Taking Back Control of Your Life: Helpful Tips

Taking Back Control of Your Life: Helpful Tips

There are moments in your life where you may feel like you are not sitting in the driver’s seat. It may seem to be that you are just cruising through your own life sitting in the backseat, with no hand in where it goes.

Count Your Blessings

Fifteen years ago, I was going through what you might call a rough patch. It was a Thursday. I remember that too because I had no desire to face the weekend. I pushed on through with my day’s activities because that is what we sometimes

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3 Things All Mentally Strong Managers Do!

3 Things All Mentally Strong Managers Do!

Mentally tough people distance themselves from their mistakes, but they do so without forgetting about them. Many qualities are attributed to an effective leader. These include everything from emotional intelligence to stronger communication skills. What else makes a strong leader?

Key to Happiness

Several years ago, when I was undertaking specific research for my book Enjoy The Ride, I came across an article entitled something like “Ways to Be Happier.” It struck me as being a good article to support my thought process as I prepared to write

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Learn to Appreciate the Smaller Things in Life

Learn to Appreciate the Smaller Things in Life

The little things in life, the smaller events that happen every day, often ignored, should get more than our fleeting attention. Appreciating these moments can make life more pleasurable, more nurturing and lot more bearable when things begin to get tough.

How to Make Positive Change Easier

The most useless piece of advice you can give someone dealing with grief or stress is telling them to be positive. Will that suddenly bring them comfort or release an emergency reserve of inner strength and mental peace? No, it is actually as unhelpful as

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Learn to Master Your Emotions

Two weeks ago in Orlando, a gentleman asked me, “Where do you get the inspiration to write your books?” Often, it comes from the interactions I have with the wonderful people I get to meet on my journeys and my speaking engagements. For instance, when

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Know Your Worth

Many years ago, while staying at a five-star hotel where I was to give a keynote address, I went down to the restaurant to grab a sandwich. It was about 8:00 p.m., and I wanted to give myself a few minutes to relax, read more

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Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness

In 1982, someone scribbled on a paper placemat in a restaurant, “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” The “saying” emerged and was quickly embraced by people far and wide. Before long, the quotation appeared on bumper stickers, coffee mugs, t-shirts and notebooks. As

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Where Everybody Knows Your Name

From 1982 to 1993, many of us remember the theme song from the highly rated United States television show Cheers. The sitcom theme lent its famous refrain, “Where Everybody Knows Your Name,” as the show’s tagline. Near to my home is a small restaurant and

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Share Your Light

I recently was reminded of the story of a religious leader who ministered to the needs of a rather wealthy congregation. An elderly man in his congregation had lost his wife. The minister was concerned because the man had no relatives close by and, unlike

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Impact & Influence Your Employees with the Power of Humor

Impact & Influence Your Employees with the Power of Humor

No one can deny the fact that humor is revitalizing and refreshing. Studies show that humor is just as effective for reenergizing the workforce. Studies also show that in the right doses, and coupled with other motivational tools, humor boosts productivity and performance.

Do What Makes You Oh So Happy

One of the toughest guys I have ever met is a former Marine named Adam. A combat veteran of the Iraq War and Afghanistan, he had to do some things to stay alive and keep his fellow soldiers alive that are best kept in the

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My Least Favorite Word

Of all of the words in the English language, my least favorite word is “impossible.” The word is a conversation stopper, an ambition stopper and worse, a life stopper. Impossible is a word that others often use to define our dreams. If we are not

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Inspiration Is All Around You!

Inspiration Is All Around You!

Whether it’s for the sake of art, for creating anything or of simply getting through the work day with a sense of self-satisfaction, we rely on inspiration to keep us going. Inspiration is a tricky thing – it comes and it goes, either in short

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Listen to Your Heart

There are times when I like nothing more than to put down the smartphone, turn off the computer and spend some time rebooting by attending a county fair. There is nothing quite like seeing new (and antique) farming equipment, walking past pens of rabbits and

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Wealth Is a Mindset

Several of my friends and I were sitting around the fire pit reminiscing about the men from our childhoods who had influenced our lives. Though men are often portrayed on television and in the movies as insensitive and unfeeling klutzes, such is hardly the case.

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Thinking More Positively: How to Start Today!

It’s surprisingly easy to fall prey to negative thinking! There is no underestimating the effects negative emotions have on us. They narrow our focus and shut off our minds from new ideas and possibilities. That’s why it is important to cultivate positive emotions. Narrow thinking

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Change Brings Opportunity

Sometimes the most profound and terrifying changes that life can throw at us ultimately turn out to be fulfilling and lead to riches beyond our imagination. The riches may not be monetary, and they may not even be glamorous, but they may lead us to

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The Best of Your Life

We can all learn so much from admiring the real struggle of a person who refuses to be denied and who overcomes life’s difficult odds and obstacles. One of the inspirations of my youth was a woman named Anna Mary Robertson Moses. You may know

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Live Your Life

It was such a joy to write my new book Turn The Page, as it enabled me to pull together so many real-life experiences from the many people I have encountered throughout the years. In the book, I ask an important question to impart a

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The Importance of Company Culture & Purpose for Motivating Employees!

What makes your employees really happy? The answer is never money. Sure, it solves many problems, but if they get sideways glances when leaving work early, or a boss who’s constantly breathing down their necks, they really won’t care for the money after a while

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Forget What They Told You To Be

As I sat down to write my just-released book Turn the Page, I drew upon the stories of the beautiful and inspiring people I have been honored to meet over the past 18 years at my speaking engagements across America. In Turn the Page, one

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Why I Wrote “Turn the Page”

The most frequently asked question about my new book, Turn the Page, which will be released tomorrow, Tuesday, November 15th, is “What inspired you to write it?” I wrote Turn the Page to help everyone choose living over existing! We all possess the gift of opportunity

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Why I Wrote “Turn the Page”

The most frequently asked question about my new book, Turn the Page, which will be released next Tuesday, November 15th, is “What inspired you to write it?” I wrote Turn the Page to help everyone choose living over existing! We all possess the gift of

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Beyond the Money: 5 Ways to Motivate Without Monetary Incentives

Non-cash motivators are more effective than financial incentives in the long run. These may be tough economic times, but that doesn’t mean you can’t reward your top employees for sticking with your company and giving it their best. There are many ways of motivating your

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Richer Than You Think

How open is your heart? There are unbelievable stories of what happens when hearts are fully open. The following story is true and, indeed, it involves hearts—pure hearts. It took place about 20 years ago in a large midwestern city.   The Magic of Kindness

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Understand Your Purpose

Understand Your Purpose

Leaders have plenty of responsibilities— their company and teams depend on them. This makes it even more important for them to never lose sight of their purpose and role in creating a better, bigger picture for themselves and others who depend on them for guidance.

Running Away Isn’t the Answer

The summer of my sophomore year in college, a group of us used to get together most every Sunday to play racquetball. The group included my uncle, my cousin’s new father-in-law Pete and a few other friends. I didn’t know too much about Pete, but

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Take Your Goat Dancing

How do you “Hide Your Goat?” How do you chase away and ignore the things or the people who are weighing you down? One of the most beautiful people I have ever known is Mary, an old college classmate who I recently saw at the

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4 Tips That Will Stop You from Over-Thinking and Get You Moving

Good Neighbors

Remember the lyrics to Carole King’s song “So Far Away”? I sure do. The message goes all the way back to 1971. It was then very poignant, and as time has gone on it has taken on a deeper and richer meaning for me. In

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Find Your Beach

This past weekend, I received the picture above from a friend of mine who is taking a well-deserved vacation. It is only fitting that I reach back into my journalistic archives and share a popular article that I wrote prior to joining the world of

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Because You Were There

Every year, we travel along the coast and end up at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This summertime tradition started when I was a youngster. There is nothing quite like witnessing the roar of the Atlantic as it rolls along an expanse of sand. The ocean

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Stop Watering Dead Plants

In October, my new book, Turn The Page: A Guide to Moving On & Letting Go, will be released. Prior to the formal release, I will offer you foretastes of the book while sharing my heart so that those of you currently going through a

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Truly Motivational Speech

Four Key components of a Truly Motivational Speech Delivered with the right passion, the following four components in a motivational speech leave a lasting impact on the audience.

Easy Ways to Inject Life & Happiness into a Workplace

We can all do with a little more enthusiasm and happiness. However, both are hard to find in traditional workplaces across the world. But the science is in! There are considerable benefits of living a more animated life at work, and away. It leads to

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The Greatest Form of Wealth

Last night, I took Uber from the Houston Hobby airport to my hotel in Cypress, Texas. It was not my first transportation choice. However, the client requested that I save them some money by not hiring a car service at an exorbitant price. I could

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Imperfectly Perfect

In my book Hide Your Goat, one of the many points I make is: “People tend to criticize most loudly in the area in which they have the deepest emotional need.” What do I mean by that? In explaining this, I am reminded of an

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Much More Than I Deserve

One of the happiest people I know sells hotdogs from a cart located in an abandoned parking lot beside an automotive repair shop. The cart is a basic model, I suppose, not one of those fancy trucks or trailers. Because of his location, which is

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Focus on What Really Matters

There was a strange scene on my flight to Chicago this morning. After I boarded and sat down in a first-row aisle seat, a woman (I suppose in her mid-50’s) came rushing from the back of the plane to the front galley with a look

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5 Tips on How to Manage Employee Relationships

He’s Good People

I well remember my grandma saying, “He’s good people.” According to my research, the earliest citation I found for this phrase is around 1881. While it isn’t standard grammar, and it sounds odd to most people, it makes some sense to me. Saying “he’s good

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Don’t Hurry, Be Happy

I recently read an article about veteran NASCAR driver Carl Edwards and his penchant to pinch pennies, which reminded me of my youngest stepson Alex who is the “Family Stasher.” Alex is not one to miss an opportunity to turn discarded bits and pieces into

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Choose to Be Better

The topic of Bitterness is one that is very close to my heart. A bitter person, man or woman, is someone who cannot move forward but is stuck in the past. I have known many people who wasted years of precious time lamenting missed opportunities, lost

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Get in the Game

Jackie Robinson said, “Life is not a spectator sport!” How many times have we heard numerous accounts of that true piece of wisdom, and how often do we ignore its inner meaning? In my book Detour, I like to point out that we should do

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Game Changer

Just the other day, while looking for a picture on Google Images, I astonishingly came across a photo of my old friend Susan. While it is true that we have lost close touch over the years, she taught me a few lessons I will forever carry

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Turn The Page

Friendship has taken on a different meaning these days. For example, we have “friends” on Facebook, many of whom we hardly know! We have friends at work, who are usually people we’re friendly with during the eight or so hours we’re together, and then there

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Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

My friend Bob is an amazing person. Bob works a full-time job for a NASCAR team and, in his spare time, uses his impressive diagnostic mind to help his friends and sons with projects bordering on genius. He volunteers regularly to help his neighbor, who

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5 Things to Look for When Hiring a Motivational Speaker

It’s common knowledge that motivational speakers have to be engaging, educating and entertaining. Your conferences, workshops and corporate events need keynote speakers who can get your point across, all the while ensuring the audience has a good time. Speakers should have the ability to lighten

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Benefits of Setting Personal Goals

Reconnect With What You Love

While social media has made it incredibly easy to indulge in nostalgia and look up people from the past, this is not an article about reconnecting on Facebook. Likewise, it isn’t about the simple pleasures of life such as jumping into a lake or drinking

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Corporate Comedians: How the Right Keynote Speaker Can Spread Happy Energy at the Workplace!

Management expert Peter Drücker once said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast!” What he meant was that your amazing plans and well thought-out strategies are entirely useless if your people aren’t motivated, ready and committed to making it happen – basically, you fail if your corporate

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Mind Over Chatter

This post was inspired by a remembrance from someone who found me on Facebook and was ecstatic to learn that I had written a book about goats, or so she thought. Her name is Betsy, and she is a former classmate of mine. As a

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Below The Iceberg

As a child, I will always remember my mom taking me for ice cream at the soda fountain in the old drug store. Around the corner, we would stop by the tailor’s shop to say hello to the owner. As I grew older, I would

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What’s Your Dream?

As a multimillion mile flyer and a member of the American Airlines Concierge Key™ program, I was exceptionally intrigued by the movie Up in the Air, starring George Clooney. Inspired to watch the film because of my frequent travel, I walked away with a subtle,

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Turn Your Life Around With Help From Personal Goal Setting!

Having no personal goals is the same as spending the entire game running up and down the field and never scoring. You’re making the effort, but there aren’t any results. This likely isn’t the first time you’ve read about the importance of setting goals, and

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Millennial Generation and Their Potential

An Unscheduled Wake-Up Call

In my first book, Enjoy The Ride, I make the distinction of never letting the urgent get in the way of the important. I used the tragedy of 9/11 as an example, talking about the importance we must place in our lives as to what

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Don’t Let a Bad Week Knock You Down! Here’s How to Get up and Get on Track

Yes, this has happened to all of us. We all have bad days, but everything seems to pale in comparison with one of those weeks when everything that could go wrong seems to. Has this happened to you? A week that was so bad that

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Yes, You Can Do

In my latest book, Detour, I talk at length about the word Can’t. Can’t is an abysmal word and, in fact, it’s made even worse by the fact that it is self-directed. How many times have we caught ourselves saying that we just can’t do

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A Tale of Fine Pickles

A piece of guidance that I like to share with all my audiences is if you just change the way you think, you will change your world forever. Here’s an example of what I mean, and it’s from the world of pickles and gherkins. Last

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It Didn’t Go as Planned, and That’s OK

When I wrote my book Enjoy the Ride, I made the observation that “Life provides every opportunity to get it right.” We can start over. If we have failed, we can always try again. As I write these words yet again, my suspicion is that

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In Focus: Steve Gilliland’s Inspirational Presentation: ‘Making A Difference’

We often don’t know what challenges are being faced by people we meet every day. As employers, we don’t know what’s going on in the lives of the people who work for us. We do, however, have what it takes to bring a glimmer of

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An Attitude of Gratitude Has Become Difficult

One of the lessons I always encourage my audiences to embrace, and that I try to take within my own heart, is the concept of Gratitude. I am constantly reminding my family of how blessed we are and that it is of the utmost importance

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4 benefits Of Hiring a Motivational Speaker

How To Motivate Yourself When You’re At Your Lowest

Even the most motivated of us can have our downs. It’s natural. In fact, sometimes even thinking about turning the tide and making positive changes seems like an insurmountable task. That doesn’t mean people should give up before even trying.

Who You Are Outweighs What You Are

In my book Making a Difference, I talk about how all of us have the potential to grow, improve our lives and impact other people. Whenever I finish speaking on the subject of making a difference, I have often been asked, “What if your job

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From the Corporate Mound to the Compost Heap

I would like to share the story of a person who became a successful entrepreneur. The first part of his story is not so unusual, but it was how he came to understand himself that has meaning. The man was a marketing executive for a

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How Do You Look in the Mirror?

How many Internet memes have you seen today? “What is that?” you might say. You may not have known what to call them, but memes are those inspirational sayings combined with pictures. They are everywhere on the social media because they are easy to create.

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The Power of Motivation in Today’s Hectic and Competitive World

Here’s a secret. Emerging as a source of motivation for other people doesn’t come naturally for everyone. You’ll have to work to reach that level. But it’s worth it! There’s nothing better than to inspire people, getting them all fired up and eager to challenge

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What Is Inside Some of Us Motivates All of Us

  “There are no airbrushed versions of a perfect life.” – Tresa Edmunds,   In my book Making a Difference, I talk about focusing your efforts on what you can change and accept what you cannot change. It is essential for us to take

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4 Tips for Hiring a Motivational Speaker

The Perfect Motivational Keynote Speaker Is Just Around The Corner! Look For These Traits Before Hiring One

What makes a great motivational speaker? Is it their ability to speak confidently? Their ability to win people over? Inspire? Some of the best motivational speakers are those who connect, inspire and move – they compel people to think!

Bored At Work? Use Humor to Break Your Routine and Find Inspiration

No matter how big or small your business, one of the things that can allow you to touch upon new heights is the kind of people you hire. Great people can lead to achieving great business opportunities. So what are you doing to keep them

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Practical Ways to Motivate Your Employees

According to a survey conducted by CareerBuilder/USA Today, 56% of Human Resource managers feel that some of their best employees will quit for another job in the next year. Furthermore, other research revealed that approximately 48% of employees across the globe don’t even like their jobs; over

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Motivational Quotes by Steve Gilliland

Make Someone’s List

Making someone’s list. At first glance this could mean anything. We often hear people say, “They just made my list.” However, in this sense making someone’s “list” is positive and a way to strive to inspire. Live every day with a purpose of inspiring someone

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The Mindset of Recognition: Identifying the Prerequisites for Change

Do you really not know what you have until it’s gone? Think about it. You always knew what you had you just never thought you’d lose it. Now that you have, what do you do? Blame the other person, or the situation, or do you

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Seize the Opportunities

People will find an excuse for everything. They can’t quit their job because they’re afraid of the unknown and they’re too comfortable. They can’t move because they’re too rooted. They can’t find happiness because what if it means unhappiness along the way? However, people sometimes

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Gate Your Goat: The Awareness to Exclude Who Is Stopping You

When looking back on your life and your relationships, do you focus on the negative experiences? Do you focus on the times you resented another person for something happening in your life? Instead of waiting for people in your past to make things right, take

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Live Your Own Destiny

When you’re young, teachers, parents and authorities alike tell you to follow your dreams—whatever they may be. Children grow up in an idealized society where anything is possible. However, when it’s time to make a real decision about the rest of our lives, we’re told to

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Why Should You Enjoy The Ride?

What’s your passion? Answer this question to yourself before you read on. You may have been asked this question before, and I’m sure your answer has evolved over your lifetime. Many people answer this question with remarks about their hobbies, their pets, their families, social

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