Starve Your Distractions

It was a funny scene at my local health club yesterday. Two acquaintances got on adjoining treadmills, programmed the machines, but then started talking. One of the women pulled out the ubiquitous cell phone and scrolled through pictures. I couldn’t quite tell from a

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Understanding the Destination Disease

Imagine this: You’re planning a trip to your dream destination. You begin ticket-booking months in advance, find some of the most visited hotels and make a list of the attractions you want to visit. You constantly revise the itinerary and work day and night

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3 Ways to Boost Your Resilience

Life is a rollercoaster ride with several ups and downs. However, it’s resilience that helps you deal with problematic situations and bounce back up even higher. Resilient people tend to have a more positive outlook on life and can deal with stress more effectively.

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A Positive Influence On Someone’s Life

“Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another.”   – George Eliot I went for a walk this summer’s morning before the heat and humidity of the day. I am grateful for summer and the magnificent flowers, but this morning I

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