Several years ago, when I wrote Enjoy the Ride, I had no idea (who did?) that most of us would spend at least six months of 2020 in lock-down. As an eternal optimist, I am cautiously cheering on the many pharmaceutical companies (nearly 150 of them) who are racing to put their vaccines in a trial. I believe several companies will develop vaccines, and many others will develop medications to alleviate the severity of the disease. I pray that next year at this time, COVID-19 will be more a memory than a reality.
We can still enjoy this ride called life, and understand that sometimes this ride is bumpy, momentarily stopped or slowed, takes a detour or asks us to stop and help a neighbor. Occasionally, we get there when we get there.
For anyone who may be feeling slowed, stopped, or inconvenienced at the moment, here are some things to consider.
Your ride may be rough right now, and maybe we’re going a little slower than we like, but we’ll get there. Have faith. Hold on. There is an end to this, and the dawn of a new beginning. While we don’t know what challenges face the people we meet every day, we do have the power to bring someone hope, if only for a moment, and that hope can multiply a thousand times.
For more information about Hall of Fame speaker and bestselling author Steve Gilliland and the Gilliland Foundation, please contact / 724-540-5019 /