This past weekend, I received the picture above from a friend of mine who is taking a well-deserved vacation. It is only fitting that I reach back into my journalistic archives and share a popular article that I wrote prior to joining the world of social media.
A State of Mind
We all have a sweet spot where everything seems to flow; where we feel happy, competent, and in sync with everything around us. Corona Extra, the number one imported beer brand in the U.S., introduced the “Find Your Beach” mantra to challenge consumers to be introspective. Their advertising campaign introduced a new wave of interactive elements to transform the “Corona Beach” from a physical place to a state of mind.
Searching For Something
Finding your beach isn’t easy. In fact, the quandary is that it lies entirely within us. The dilemma over what we want, what we need and what we want people to believe we are is a mental melee that is occasionally hard to distinguish. We incessantly search for that one person or thing that will transform our lives. For some it’s about buying things they don’t need, with money they don’t have, to impress people they don’t even like. The good news is we have the ability to redefine goals, which ultimately helps us learn, grow and lead.
A Lifelong Journey
As we search to discover our sweet spot, we will experience the winds of disappointment, despair and heartbreak, but where we arrive at the end of our journey will be up to us. The rich and the poor have the same challenges that can lead to financial ruin and personal despair. It isn’t what happens to us that determines the quality of our lives, it is what we do after we set our sails and the wind decides to change direction. When the winds change, we must change. We have to reset the sail (how we think and respond) in a manner that will steer us in the direction of our own deliberate choice. How quickly we can refocus our attention and respond to adversity is far more important than adversity itself. It is imperative that we amend the way we define success and realize that it isn’t something you acquire or achieve. Success is the journey you take your whole life. It is defined by your ability to control the process of your own thinking.
Sense of Belonging
What makes the Corona Extra commercial so thought-provoking is that within 60 seconds it whisks you away into a euphoric state centered on your own interests, aspirations and self-proclaimed sweet spot. If it were only as easy as sitting on a beach drinking your favorite beverage, it might be easier to find the path to your sand. Finding your beach is a process, a course that involves finding your sense of belonging, reaching out to others, becoming a part of a community and ultimately contributing to your own sense of place. When you find your beach you will feel nourished, encouraged and supported by the surroundings. You will feel a sense of peace, contentment and happiness that emerges from every turn you take.
Reflect on where you are and determine where you want to be. It’s time to find your beach!
For more information about Hall of Fame speaker and bestselling author Steve Gilliland, please contact: / 724-540-5019 /