
Conflict Resolution at Work: Rules, Steps, and Skills You Need to Know

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Conflicts are a part of our daily lives. People encounter them every day in their relationships with friends, family, and coworkers. Conflict in the workplace results in a great deal of annoyance, hardship, discomfort, anger, and regret.

In the modern world, employers choose to work with people from different cultural and academic backgrounds, and different points of view. Disagreements are inevitable in a workplace where individuals approach the same issues from different perspectives.

So, what’s the best way to handle things when such situations arise? By effectively managing and resolving the issue with the right tools. Business speakers suggest using conflict management procedures within the organization.

Effective conflict resolution helps differentiate between a good and a bad company. What are some skills required by managers to effectively resolve conflict? What methods are to be followed? Some of them are described below.

A man speaking on the phone

7 Steps Involved In Conflict Resolution


Firstly, clarify the source. You can understand how the issue occurred by identifying the conflict’s root cause. Also, this way, both sides will come to terms with the nature of the conflict. To achieve this position, you can hear both sides out and see where their requirements need to be met.

Corporate speakers suggest ensuring that each side understands the other and is on the same page. Note every little detail about each side’s perspectives. Probe until you’re certain that everyone involved in the conflict understands the situation.

Speak Privately

Corporate motivational speakers emphasize selecting a safe space where every party is comfortable and everyone can have a productive conversation. A private space allows you to speak openly about every facet of the conflict.

Therefore, find a safe and secure space to hold the discussion before attempting to address any issues. Don’t pick either party’s cubicle or somewhere close to it. Additionally, while you’re there, ensure that each party has ample time to express their viewpoints on the problem.

Let Everyone Have The Platform

After getting both sides together in a safe place, allow each party the chance to express their opinions about the matter at hand. Avoid prioritizing one party over the other. Take a confident, strong stance throughout the meeting.

Business speakers also recommend establishing some ground rules if the situation calls for it. This strategy will urge both parties to express their ideas candidly and openly. Also, you’ll understand the reasons behind the disagreement and find solutions.

two women speaking about the conflict

Dig Deeper Into The Situation

Take the time to look into the situation after hearing the parties’ issues. Don’t prejudge or decide based just on the information you know. Investigate to learn more about the events, parties affected, problems, and responses.

Top business speakers advise having a one-on-one conversation with the parties involved and paying close attention to what they are saying by listening intently. You can accomplish this by summarizing their comments and repeating those back to them. Additionally, look for any underlying roots of the conflict that might not be obvious or noticed right away.

Find Solutions To Reach Mutual Ground

The goal of managing conflict procedures is to resolve the conflict and prevent future occurrences of such situations. Once you understand the several stages of the conflict, you’ll be able to resolve the issue. Then you can search for the best solutions to achieve the shared objective.

Once you have completed your investigation, you can sit down with the involved parties to discuss the approaches you can undertake to reach the common goal. Actively listen, talk, and brainstorm together until all possibilities have been explored.

people having a conversation inside the office

Choose The Best Course Of Action

Unless the situation is drastic, the involved parties will find it easy to communicate with one another since they’re aware that they’re all working toward achieving the company’s goals. Inspirational business speakers suggest encouraging both parties to come to an agreement and take the best course of action.

Determine the choices that each party can accept to reach an agreement and which one would be the best way to proceed. Find points of agreement. Then decide who is responsible for what in terms of settling the conflict. Additionally, it is vital to seize this opportunity to pinpoint the underlying reason and guarantee that the problem won’t occur again.

Determine Preventive Measures For The Future

Never assume that a problem is unsolvable. Good communication is the crux of a workplace. Ensure that there is effective communication happening within the organization. By being aware of this, you can make sure that the staff is cooperating to achieve the organization’s objectives. So, continue monitoring the problem and determine whether the proposed solution works. If the problem reappears, take the necessary steps.

Conflict Management Skills And Approaches

Now that you know the steps of resolving conflict, do you have the necessary skills to implement the methods? Take a look at some skills to help you perform effective conflict resolution.

Emotional Intelligence

According to motivational business speakers, the capacity to recognize and comprehend your feelings as well as those of the people around you makes you emotionally strong and intelligent. This ability is crucial for conflict management since it stops things from getting worse. If you can accurately read other people’s feelings, it’ll be easier to connect with your opponent without provoking them. Everyone concerned may think sensibly and creatively about a solution when uncertainty, rage, and irritation related to the disagreement are acknowledged and contained.


Work conflicts aren’t always easy to resolve. Conflict resolution is challenging because people don’t like to be considered wrong and will remain convinced they are right. Patience is required if you want to settle a dispute with someone like this.

Even if the answer seems clear, it’s vital to remember that the problem cannot be resolved straight away. According to professional corporate speakers, you’ve got to give each party their due time and weigh each argument equally.

Even when there is an obvious solution, jumping to a conclusion too quickly might make individuals feel excluded from the decision-making process. Taking time to properly address the situation will give you a long-term solution.

woman talking to her colleagues

Unbiased Judgment

Conflicts might be challenging to end because people don’t always keep their attention on the actual issue. Sometimes, it can provide a space for bringing up old complaints that have developed between both sides over time. Until the past problems are handled, the current situation cannot be fixed.

Corporate motivational speakers suggest drawing a line between the actual conflict and the people who are involved. Don’t concentrate on the individuals and their traits. Instead, focus on the issue at hand and your pursuit of a solution.

Though it could be necessary to resolve those old problems at some point, don’t put the current issue on the back burner to dredge up problems from the past. Distinguish between urgent and important. The other significant problems that prevent you from achieving your goals can surely wait until you have resolved the urgent ones.


It’s hard to reach a solution when either party doesn’t agree on anything. Even when they do agree, it may come off as a half-hearted “yes.” This can even give someone a reason to avoid dealing with the problem at all.

An excellent strategy to keep the discussion going in a conflict situation is to use positive conflict management techniques. Motivational speakers know that roadblocks come and go in a conflict, and besides focusing on such things, you should try to find a solution. Other participants who might be apprehensive of the conversation will feel more at ease if you approach the dispute with a pleasant attitude.

Use The “Yes, And” Approach

Whether it’s a professional or personal conflict, it’s easy to take a defensive stance. A conversation can have a lot of “no” and “yes, but,” which could come across as argumentative.

Instead of feeling defensive when someone challenges your position, use it as a chance to examine things from a different perspective. Every person has their own opinions, just as you do, and if you don’t listen to what they have to say, this situation can turn ugly. Instead of saying “I hear you, but,” try saying “Yes, I understand, and,” which builds upon everyone’s arguments rather than ripping them apart.

Avoid Pointing Fingers

Being aggressive lays a bad foundation for problem-solving that is incredibly difficult to overcome. Don’t assign responsibility to others or foster an environment where someone feels hesitant to express their opinions. Allowing each party to state their case without reproach or silence is the greatest method to end a dispute.

Hire Steve Gilliland To Tackle Conflict Resolution In The Workplace

Steve Gilliland is a brilliant professional motivational and keynote speaker who gives entertaining and motivational speeches. He’s a member of the Speaker Hall of fame and has inspired countless thousands of employees in organizations all over the world.

His in-person presentations cover relevant organizational topics such as culture, transformation, leadership, and change that help employees strive toward excellence. Check out his Motivation Bites, blogs, and books, and see how why he’s one of the top motivational speakers in the world.

Hire Steve today!

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