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  • AON Hewitt – Cloud Deployment Solutions
  • BluJay Solutions, Inc.
  • BrightPoint, Inc.
  • Central States Information
  • Charter Media
  • ComNet Communications, LLC
  • Cox Communications
  • CTR Systems
  • Data Center, Inc. (DCI)
  • Digital Storage
  • Federal Reserve Information Technology
  • Forever Communications
  • Fujimi Corporation
  • Great Plains Technology Center
  • Harris
  • Hearth & Home Technologies
  • Information Services International
  • IREM Chapter #88
  • Kardex Remstar
  • M3COM of Virginia
  • Marquis Software Solutions, Inc.
  • Maxwell Systems
  • Motorola Solutions, Inc.
  • NACM Gulf States
  • National Law Enforcement Telecommunications Services
  • NC Local Government Information Systems Association
  • Neax Users Group
  • Nex-Tech, LLC
  • North American Dealer Information Technology Association (NADITA)
  • NTS Communications
  • Nuclear Information Technology Strategic Leadership (NITSL)
  • Ohio Higher Education Computing Conference
  • OTM Sig
  • Qiagen Sciences, Inc.
  • PCM, Inc.
  • PMI – Central Florida Chapter
  • RamQuest Users Group
  • Retail Solutions Providers Association
  • S&ME, Inc.
  • Schwab Compliance Technologies, Inc.
  • Service AutoPilot
  • Sevatec, Inc.
  • Shaw Systems Associates, LLC
  • Shimadzu Scientific Instruments
  • SMC3
  • SofTechnics, Inc.
  • Solver, Inc.
  • Southern Air
  • Space Telescope Science Institute
  • SPI Software Paradigms International Group, LLC
  • Surgical Information Systems
  • Technology Marketing Toolkit
  • Texas Association of Governmental Information Technology Managers
  • Texas Computer Education Association
  • Tiburon, Inc.
  • Timmons Group
  • Truno
  • United Audit Systems, Inc.
  • Verint Americas, Inc.
  • VisionAIR
  • X-Rite Corporation