Not long ago, a dear friend who owns a highly successful auto body shop in the Boston area sent me an article written by the CEO of a vast, international conglomerate based in Bahrain. I was not especially surprised, as Jeff is not your
Nothing comes easy, and nothing comes for free. Even those who are at the top of the ladder of success have had to climb up from the bottom. Steve Gilliland, an amazing storyteller and keynote speaker, had it tough. There are no shortcuts in
Let’s admit it. We all have guilty pleasures. Whether it’s that one song that gets us in the groove or it’s test driving expensive sports cars, we all have our secrets. You see your boss living a luxurious lifestyle—cars, mansion, perfect spouse—the entire package.
One of the most delightful entrepreneurs I have ever encountered was a man named Calvin, but all of his friends called him “Cal.” Our local business journal has described him as a “highly successful serial entrepreneur.” It is true, but it is just the