
Why I Wrote “Turn the Page”

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The most frequently asked question about my new book, Turn the Page, which will be released next Tuesday, November 15th, is “What inspired you to write it?”

I wrote Turn the Page to help everyone choose living over existing! We all possess the gift of opportunity to change and write our story; however, if we habitually find ourselves fixated on the past or on the challenges of today, we will never grow beyond the limits of this self-imposed prison.

When something doesn’t end well, it’s tempting to dwell on what YOU did wrong or what YOU could have done differently. While understanding what causes the termination may seem to be a productive exercise, dwelling on it will cause further hurt. Sometimes we just need to acknowledge that occasionally family isn’t family, friends aren’t friends, and the complexity of life will impede our movement if we let it.

We all have relationship conflicts at work and home; we all live in a world that has an addiction to an immediate need for gratification; we all experience information overload; and we all bear discomfort from the hyper-speed of change with an ever-widening survival gap to keep up.

When I hear individuals say, “I will never let anyone do that to me again,” or, “I can’t stop thinking about this,” I recognize a lot of people struggle with letting go and moving on. Over the past two decades, I have listened to thousands of individuals share their hearts about relationships and circumstances that cause them to be angry, ashamed and unhappy.

People from every walk of life who struggle with moving forward were my inspiration to write this book. Every day, I encounter people who reveal the disillusionment of their circumstances. This book will show you how to take control of your life and make a great future for yourself. Regardless of your age and the bad choices you’ve made, I promise that Turn the Page will help you let go of the past and stop clinging to the frustration and worry about the future.

We often hold onto our pain far beyond its ability to serve us. If you are serious about dealing with the pain and finding real healing, then Turn the Page is your guide to moving on and letting go.


Next Tuesday, November 15, 2016, you can Turn the Page!


Bestselling Author and North America’s Most Award-Winning Speaker Steve Gilliland helps you connect the dots to your self-defeating behavior and then gives you practical how-to advice about letting go and feeling peaceful. Turn the Page is a powerful first step to freedom.


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