Talk Like a Champ: The Power of Positive Language

If you pay attention to the way successful people talk, you’ll notice that they all speak one language.
Driven by passion and self-belief, they employ positive terminology to enrich their discourse and exude an air of confidence that inspires others to take control of their lives.
You can do this. You have what it takes. You are the maker of your own destiny.
Focusing on affirmative phrases and eliminating all negations from their vocabulary, successful individuals adopt the mindset of a winner to ultimately act like one.
Talking Your Way to Victory
You might think it’s impossible and a tad annoying to be hunky-dory all the time, especially when you’re having a bad day. Contrary to popular opinion, however, positive thinking is not about turning a blind eye to the realities of this world or channeling Ned “hey-diddly-ho” Flanders.
It’s about empowering yourself with the armor of a positive attitude and putting up a shield against a self-flagellating inner monologue. Here’s what we mean when we say “talk like a champ”:
- Think of the “don’ts”, “can’ts” and “won’ts” of everyday conversation as roadblocks on your journey to success.
- Employ active phrases instead of passive ones.
- Pave a clear path with positive language that enables you to see the horizon.
- When you talk like a leader, you think like a leader; and when you think like someone, you’re likely to act like them, too.
- Have solution-oriented conversations.
- Surround yourself with individuals who radiate positivity and exhibit a can-do spirit.
- Eliminate uncertain and indifferent phraseology like “I don’t know,” “whatever,” “who cares?”
- Start saying yes to yourself.
Practicing Positivity at the Workplace
Using positive language to climb the steps of success is a core part of self-improvement. Whether you’re an employee or an employer, consider the impact of your communication on clients and customers.
Consider the following two cases:
“We can’t help you unless you fill out the form.”
“Why didn’t you get this done?”
“Please take a moment to fill out the form and we will be with you shortly.”
“I notice this project is still on hold.”
By turning negative questions into positive statements, and passive phrases into active suggestions, you can be more constructive and powerful in the way you communicate.
This psychological method of “being who you want to be” is so powerful that it is practiced by some of the most riveting actors who stay in character for months on end just to give a truly transcendent performance.
At the end of the day, we are all actors in the grand theater of life, with a part to play in every waking moment. Make sure you pick the part of a leader and motivator and choose your script wisely!
For more inspiration and advice on positive language, check out Hall of Fame Speaker Steve Gilliland and pick up the award-winning author’s latest children’s book today!