Why Self-Compassion Is Important

Why Self-Compassion Is Important

There’s a saying that we are own worst critics. We’re never satisfied with what we do. If you’ve ever met a person who was happy with everything they’ve achieved in life, they’re probably like a rare Pokémon!

The truth is, there’s something to learn from such people. While we’re not perfect and have flaws, it’s also important not to dwell on the past or analyze each and every mistake. It’s imperative to forgive yourself for not being able to do everything right.

We’re not meant to be perfect, and that’s completely okay. Give yourself time and develop compassion for yourself.

It will take some time, but it can be done. Here’s how you can cultivate the right mindset and develop self-compassion:

Analyze Your Relationship With Yourself

We work hard trying to build relationships with others and improve our networking skills. Have you ever wondered what your true relationship with yourself is like?

Think about it for a minute. You are the person who should know yourself the best. Unfortunately, we often get confused and don’t even think twice about what we really want.

“What will they think?”

“Maybe I shouldn’t say this”

“I should just keep my mouth shut”

Do these phrases sound familiar to you? We compromise how we really feel in order to keep the peace or avoid conflict. However, it’s also important to be able to speak your mind or else you will regret it later.

This does not mean you should start a conflict, but it does mean you should address the problem tactfully. Try to make the person understand your point of view. If they don’t understand it, that’s okay. Move on without holding it against yourself.

Make Peace With Your Inner Critic

We always do our best to hide our shortcomings so we can create a positive self-image of ourselves. We’re always worried about what people will think of us.

The truth is, nobody is perfect. You might have heard of this before and it’s one of the most important things you should remember. Nobody is perfect and nobody does everything right.
Stop letting your conscious guilt trip you into stepping out of your comfort zone. Don’t let it convince you that if you can’t achieve a certain target you’re not worth anything.

Don’t argue with yourself. Instead, try to come up with logical reasons as to why you should not push yourself.

Practice Mindfulness

Being mindful of your surroundings can also help you become compassionate. It can help you identify problems before they take over your life. When you’re mindful of your actions and thoughts, you can stop yourself from doing something you will regret.

This will help you reach your goals by eliminating problems and factors that lead to limiting your chances of success.

Listen to Keynote Speeches

We all need motivation once in awhile. Sometimes we just need someone to tell us that what we feel and how we feel is normal.

This is especially true for those who work in sales. Having to deal with difficult clients can be tough, and when you don’t get the right leads, it can be a devastating blow, especially when your colleagues are outperforming you.

A keynote speaker can help you identify problems and guide you past your limits to find your passion and drive to succeed.

Remember that inner strength is within all of us, but the support we get from around us can play an vital role in helping you tap into that strength. Know that there is nothing wrong when it comes to asking for help.

It doesn’t have to be someone you know or are close to. It can be your boss, a keynote speaker, a stranger who has been in a similar situation or anyone able to help you see yourself in a positive light.

If you don’t know who to turn to, Steve Gilliland has your back. With years of experience, a powerful message and a comedic way of dealing with corporate stress, he knows how to take up any challenge and help the leaders of tomorrow find the passion and drive to achieve great things.