
In Focus: Steve Gilliland’s Inspirational Presentation: ‘Making A Difference’

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We often don’t know what challenges are being faced by people we meet every day. As employers, we don’t know what’s going on in the lives of the people who work for us. We do, however, have what it takes to bring a glimmer of hope to them. We have the power to motivate and provide tools to inspire.

What does hope do for us?

  • Hope shines the brightest in dark places
  • Hope motivates when discouragement rears its ugly head
  • Hope energizes the body when we’re too tired to move
  • Hope offers a way when things go wrong

In short, hope gives us the motivation needed for living and learning. Feelings are highly contagious; therefore, hope has the potential of multiplying a thousand times over and spreading to all corners of this world. This is what my presentation “Making a Difference” examines and delivers.

We Have the Power to Change This World by What We Choose

This presentation focuses on the conscious choices we make every day and how they affect and influence people, whether negatively or positively.

Choices matter; people matter, too. And when both are considered, the outcome is positive. Whoever said people are free to do what they want as long as the choices made don’t affect others was wrong. The choices we make and the things we say affect others! How they are affected solely depends on us, i.e. we have that power.

‘Making A Difference’ and Its Three Empowering Dynamics

Now that we know the impact of our conscious choices on the lives of others, isn’t it better if we knew how to harness this power to make substantial change?

This presentation reiterates the fact that each one of us has the potential to transform an organization’s culture through our attitude and actions. You’ll be faced with the following empowering dynamics and learn how you can help the people around you. You will discover your purpose, passion and pride and how all of this can be used.

Explore my website and take a look at other presentations on how you can motivate and enhance productivity in your workplace. We each have the power to inspire and lead a change. If you need a keynote motivational speaker, get in touch with me.
